blackboard fullreton

by Prof. Payton Franecki I 10 min read

Blackboard Ally has two main features

A guide to assist faculty to make their documents (Word, PowerPoint, PDF) more inclusive. The guide can help you to adjust your files to be more in line with the CSU ATI requirements. Alternative formats which gives the students choices as to the format of the document, including Audio (mp3), PDF, Electronic Braile, ePub and HTML (webpage).

Accessibility score indicators

The Accessibility Score is a rating method that Ally provides to instructors, so you can see at a glance how accessible your file considered to be. You can then click on the icon in order to read some guidance on how to improve the document's score.

Course-level accessibility report

The Accessibility Report can show you, the instructor, at a glance how all of your course documents rate. Again, you can click on the score and see how the file could be improved.

Article Summary

Next: How do I add the Ally Accessibility Report to the Course Navigation?
