blackboard for mason

by Osbaldo Cormier 6 min read

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Blackboard Learn is the primary learning management solution (LMS) for faculty, staff, and students at Mason. As such, it is critical that we remove instructional barriers, ensuring course content is as accessible and usable as possible. For information on how to ensure your Blackboard course is inclusive and accessible, see below:


Does George Mason use Blackboard?

All users access Blackboard through the myMason portal. To access Blackboard, log in to and select the Courses tab. Faculty and students will gain access to their courses from this location.

Does GMU use canvas or blackboard?

What is Blackboard? Blackboard is a course management system used campus-wide at George Mason University.

What is gmu blackboard?

MyMason provides access to Blackboard courses and organizations. Organizations is a unique feature of myMason that allows any and all groups—from the smallest club at Mason to the largest—to stay informed and receive information specific to their organization.

What is George Mason University known for?

In the Academic Rankings of World Universities, Mason's law program at the Antonin Scalia Law School led the way at No. 35 worldwide. Atmospheric science came in at No. 40, and economics, public administration, and communication placed in the 51-75 grouping.Sep 2, 2021

Rename your Blackboard Course

Why is this important? Many students struggle with navigating a series of course ID numbers as opposed to the actual course names. For students who...

Use 'Start Here' or 'Welcome' links

Creating a Start Here or Welcome page provides students with clear guidance on how to get started working with your online course. Why is this impo...

'How to Get Started' Videos

If possible, include a short video introduction acclimating students to the course site and how best to access instructional resources and assignme...

Use Captions and/or Transcripts for Multimedia

All videos should have accurate, synchronized closed captions. All audio content should include a transcript. For videos where the visual imagery i...

Include Headers

Adding a meaningful Name (e.g., Week 1 Assignment) to a content area makes it searchable for screen reader users. This also ensures that it is easi...

Identify Table Column Headers

Table headers allow screen reading applications to associate the data in a table cell with the respective column header. Why is this important? Wit...

Add Alternative Text Descriptions for Complex Images

Alternative text descriptions for complex images convey meaningful information to students with visual impairments who use screen readers. Why is t...

Use Meaningful Hyperlink Text

Hyperlinks should inform users where clicking the link will actually take them. E.g., Use George Mason University Home Page* as opposed to http://w...

Use Good Color Contrast

Good color contrast draws interest to important content on your course site. Why is this important? It also benefits individuals who may have color...

Hide unused tools in the Tools menu

In the Tools folder, hide unused tools or those that have no relevance in the course. Why is this important? Removing unused aspects of the Blackbo...