by Abel Lindgren
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
3 min read
How do I login to Fitchburg State's blackboard?
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How do I contact Fitchburg State for technical assistance?
Login to Blackboard. Click the "Personal Information" link on the "My Fitchburg State" tab. Choose "Edit Personal Information." In some cases an email address will show up incorrectly as [email protected]. If this happens you should contact the Help Desk at 978.665.4500 to have this information updated. Back to top.
How do I access a class on Blackboard?
May 21, 2021 · Blackboard Fitchburgstate Edu. May 21, 2021 by admin. If you are looking for blackboard fitchburgstate edu, simply check out our links below : 1. Blackboard – Fitchburg State University. No …
How do I contact the blackboard help desk?
Sep 23, 2021 · Blackboard is the learning management system used at Fitchburg State. Your course may be accessible in Blackboard. Student Introductory Course. All students … 4. Blackboard Instructor Help | Fitchburg State University
Blackboard is basically a point and click system for navigation. 1. From the user homepage, you will click on the class you wish to access. Classes are listed under “My Courses”. 2. Once inside of your class, the point and click navigation will continue. There is a menu bar on the left-hand side of the screen. You are able to click on the item that you would like to navigate to (or open).
The control panel is where you as the instructor can manage your course. Further in the trainings, we will discuss the options of building and tools within this function. It is important to remember this is a function only available to the instructor. The Control Panel is divided into Categories. The defaults are as follows: Files, Course Tools, Evaluation, Grade Center, Users & Groups, Customiz…
The Syllabus is the same as adding an item, except it is a predefined area in the course menu.
To add your Syllabus, simply click on the course menu area entitled "Syllabus," then follow the directions for Creating an Item (see Creating an Item above).
Assignments allow you to create coursework and manage the grades and feedback for each student separately. In an assignment, you can include a description, point value, and file attachments. You can create assignments in several course areas, such as in a content area, learning module, lesson plan, or folder. Students access the assignment, type a submission, atta…
Turnitin is a comprehensive solution that helps students learn by facilitating personalized feedback. Faculty can check students' work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against the world's largest academic database. For more information on Turnitin, please contact Allison Bunnell, 978.665.3769.
Probably the most effective way to create and manage tests is by building a question pool and then creating the exam from the pool. Please see the attached file for instructions on how to create a question pool, export the pool to your computer, create a test using test manager, and deploy a test to share with your students(MS Word). 1. Uploading test questions from Microsoft …
In the Grade Center, you can provide and manage your students' grades for assignments, tests, discussion posts, journals, blogs, and wikis, and for ungraded items, such as surveys or self tests. You can also create grade columns for any activities or requirements you want to grade, such as special projects, participation, or attendance.