blackboard file management page

by Mrs. Noelia Pfannerstill 6 min read

How do I access course files on Blackboard?

The default directory for Course Files in each course is /courses/COURSEID. With the release of 9.1, Blackboard recommends using the /courses directory for Course Files storage.

How do I rename a file in Blackboard?

Rename filesNavigate to Files & Folders.Select More.Select Rename.Enter the new name for the file.Select Save.

How do I edit a document on Blackboard?

Editing Content in BlackboardAction button. To edit content on Blackboard, find the content you wish to edit and click on the action button beside it.Menu. When you click on an action button a menu will appear. ... Make your changes. ... Submit. ... Overwriting a file.

How do you upload a folder to Blackboard?

Uploading a whole folder to Blackboardcreate a ZIP archive of the directory.upload that zip file as an attachment to a new item on Blackboard.before clicking "Submit", go to the selection box underneath the file name and change it from "link to file" to "unpackage file".More items...•Nov 12, 2011

What is a content folder in Blackboard?

Content areas, such as Users, Courses, Institution, and Library, are folders stored under the root folder. A folder is automatically available to the user who created it, and may also be visible to other users if you create it in the course area.

Can you edit submissions on Blackboard?

Edit your content After you add content, open the menu and select Edit to make changes or add more content. You can edit settings for the files you've added. Select a file in the editor and then select the Edit Attachment icon in the row of editor options. You can add a Display Name and Alternative Text.

How do I enable edit mode in Blackboard as a student?

In the top right corner of your course you can click the Edit Mode button to turn the Edit Mode on and off. When Edit Mode is ON, you see all the course content and the editing controls for each item. Edit Mode OFF hides the editing controls but still displays any content that would normally be hidden from a student.

How do I upload an XML file to Blackboard?

XML file that defines the metadata for all files and folders in the package....Upload a packageIn the Content Collection, go to the location where you want to upload files.Point to Upload and select Upload Zip Package.Browse for the file and choose the encoding type, if applicable.Select Submit to start the upload.

How do I submit multiple files to Blackboard?

The multiple file upload submission option allows you to upload multiple files simultaneously.On the class homepage, click on the More actions link next to the Paper assignment that you would like to submit to and select Submit paper.Select Multiple File Upload from the Submit: drop down menu.More items...

How do I upload multiple files to Blackboard?

Uploading multiple files Simply clicking Browse My Computer – whether in a course or in the Fileshare – does allow you to select and attach multiple files. But you will often find it easier to Drag and Drop files onto the dotted area as shown. Using Drag and Drop you are able to upload multiple files or entire folders.Mar 1, 2019