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Blackboard - Student Learning Development - Trinity College Dublin You are here Learning Resources > Blackboard Blackboard Service available for: Undergraduates & Postgraduates The SLD Blackboard Module has been developed to provide you with a range of resources that will help you develop your independent learning and academic skills.
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Students can download the Blackboard App from the iTunes Store, Google Play or Windows Store. Open the app store on your device and search for 'Blackboard App.' Install and open the app and search for Trinity College Dublin. Staff can download the Blackboard Instructor app from the iOS or Google Play app stores.
Important: This site is a test server only. No content is stored here. Please go to mymodule.tcd.ie for Blackboard access.
I cannot log in to Blackboard#N#Click on the Log In button at the top of this page and enter your Trinity Computer Account details.#N#If you are having problems logging in to Blackboard contact the IT Service Desk.
Vist the Staff Help section within Blackboard for links to guides and support. Or visit the IT Services homepage for details of upcoming sessions.
MyModule meets the TCD Web Accessibility Standards and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Using Single Sign-On, students will be able to use the same username and password for BannerWeb and Blackboard.
Find additional help resources for your email, OneDrive and Xen Desktop (remote desktop).
Blackboard Learn ( mymodule.tcd.ie) is College's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). You can use TCD Blackboard to host your teaching materials, create online assessments, use social learning tools such as blogs and journals, and incorporate other technologies such as Panopto videos and Collaborate Ultra webinars. Click on the titles below to view further information. Visit the Staff Help tab when you log in to mymodule.tcd.ie for more guides on the different technologies available in TCD Blackboard.
Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers are recommended for Blackboard. Other browsers such as Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari may work in the majority of scenarios but if you encounter issues please try with Chrome or Firefox.
MyReadingList lets you create dynamic and up-to-date reading lists for your students through the Library website. You can now add MyReadingList to your Blackboard module to provide students with easy access to your module’s reading list.
You can also access Blackboard on your mobile device using the Blackboard Instructor App. Please note: the app is primarily designed for viewing content - it does not currently allow you to build your module via your mobile device. To access the majority of Blackboard features you will need to log in via a web browser.