blackboard download lecture videos

by Vella Welch 4 min read

How to download videos from Blackboard?

May 29, 2020 · Note that this is an undocumented feature that may stop working at any time. If you just want to change the speed of Collaborate recordings this is now possi...

How to download blackboard to FLV?

Does Blackboard Learn integrate with any third party video players?

How to record blackboard screen with audio?


The UConn Glossary

Hey guys! A while ago, I made a post to see if the UConn community would be interested in a glossary of sorts featuring common words and sayings related to the university. Many people expressed interest, so I made a Google form anyone could access. The entries people provided in that form will be in this first "edition" of the UConn glossary.

Biking Routes Around Storrs: A Guide

The only thing I love more than writing obnoxiously long Reddit posts is cycling. Exploring the area around Storrs is my motivation to exercise. When the stress of college starts to get too much, biking is my meditation. When COVID made social gatherings difficult, I made and strengthened friendships by riding with people.

Cobalt: Search for courses and buildings

I am not sure how many people are aware of this site but I'd thought I'd spread it around because of it’s potential importance in the academic side of college life. It's called Cobalt and it's consists of two main sections: display all the known information about a course and to show the different academic buildings, fitted with technical features.

Looking to make enemies

I'm coming back to campus this fall, but I'm a bit disappointed that I don't have any enemies to fight. Unfortunately, I never made enemies freshman year, then covid hit and I stayed home fall 2020 and took a gap sem. I've seen posts on here of people looking for friends, so I thought I'd try to find an enemy myself.

How do I survive without a Ferrari

All my life, ever since I was old enough to drive, I've driven a Ferrari. It's this lush, gorgeous red vehicle. I loved just driving to school and the grocery store and showing her off. I named her "Bim."

An open letter to everyone

If you’re reading this then I’ve no doubt grabbed your attention for just a moment. I know for many of you it's probably a rather busy day so I’ll abridge whatever point I have the best I can. And I apologize if this is just me shouting into the void for some unknown reason all while on the wrong place on the internet.

Protest about Financial Aid

I know that a lot of us students are frustrated about the financial aid mess. I want to start organizing a protest and sending a formal petition to the administration so that they can make changes and not let this happen anymore. I think we have an opportunity to get a lot of optics during orientation week with new students and parents arriving.
