blackboard discussion order

by Ima Barton 6 min read

How do I reorder discussions in Blackboard?

Navigate to the Blackboard discussion forum(s). Hover your mouse cursor over the left side the forum you wish to move. A cross-hair cursor will appear. Left click, hold, and drag the forum up or down to be in the appropriate position.Jul 24, 2013

How do discussions work in Blackboard?

A Discussion Board is an asynchronous communication tool that allows students to collaborate with others through posting or answering questions. Students respond to a discussion board forum topic by creating a thread, or replying to an existing thread.

What is discussion board etiquette?

Stay on topic – Don't post irrelevant links, comments, thoughts, or pictures. Don't type in ALL CAPS! If you do, it will look like you're screaming. Don't write anything that sounds angry or sarcastic, even as a joke, because without hearing your tone of voice, your peers might not realize you're joking.May 19, 2014

How do you start a discussion on blackboard?

On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board....Open the Discussion BoardSelect a forum title to view the messages. ... Select a forum to open the thread of posts.More items...

How long should Discussion Board posts be?

75-150 wordsPosts should be within a range of 75-150 words. Make certain that all posts and responses address the question, problem, or situation as presented for discussion.

Can you edit a discussion post on Blackboard?

You can edit posts in any thread. If a student added inappropriate or inaccurate content, you can edit the post. When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts. Open a forum and select a thread.

What are the 5 Rules of netiquette?

Follow these basic rules of netiquette to avoid damaging your online and offline relationships and protect your reputation.Make Real People a Priority. ... Use Respectful Language. ... Share With Discretion. ... Don't Exclude Others. ... Choose Friends Wisely. ... Respect People's Privacy. ... Fact Check Before Reposting. ... Don't Spam.More items...•Feb 14, 2022

What are the 10 rules of netiquette?

10 rules of netiquette for studentsMake sure identification is clear in all communications. ... Review what you wrote and try to interpret it objectively. ... If you wouldn't say it face to face, don't say it online. ... Don't assume everyone understands where you're coming from. ... Don't spam. ... Use emoticons. ... Respect others' privacy.More items...

What is the Golden Rule of netiquette?

The Golden Rule of Netiquette Most importantly, when speaking in an online course or in any online environment for that matter, the same rules apply for etiquette as in real-time. The golden rule of netiquette in an online class or environment is, do not do or say online what you would not do or say offline.

How do you start a discussion?

How to start a conversationAsk for information.Pay a compliment.Comment on something pleasant.Introduce yourself.Offer help.Ask for help.Mention a shared experience.Ask for an opinion.More items...•Dec 8, 2021

How do I create a discussion board in Wordpress?

From your dashboardGo to Plugins > Add New.Search for 'Discussion Board'Activate Discussion Board form the Plugins page.Go to Discussion Board > Settings to update any settings.

What is yellow on blackboard?

The colors map to these percentages: > 90% = green. 89–80% = yellow/green. 79–70% = yellow.