blackboard discussion forum how to find all discussions for a class

by Kenton Sauer 3 min read

Select the Discussions tab on the navigation bar to open the course discussions page. Select the plus sign in the upper-right corner to open the menu. You can add discussions and organize them with folders. Select the gear icon to open the Discussion Settings panel.

Search discussions
  1. Go to the discussion board, a forum, or a thread and select Search.
  2. Type your search query, such as a word or phrase, in the Search box.
  3. In the list, select an area to search: ...
  4. To further narrow your search results, select the After and Before check boxes to enable the date and time selections.

Full Answer

How do I find the discussion board?

Open the Discussion Board. Find the discussion board in two places: On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board. The main Discussion Board page appears with a list of available discussion forums. On this page, you can perform these actions: Select a forum title to view the messages.

What are discussions in Blackboard Learn?

Dec 17, 2021 · Find the discussion board in two places: On the course menu, select Discussions … 3. Discussion Boards | Blackboard Help. Blackboard’s discussion board feature allows participants to carry on … have students post their work to a discussion board so other students can see it; Students … 4. Editing Discussion …

How do I create a forum for a student-led discussion?

Nov 09, 2020 · Login to Blackboard Learn. Access a Course. Click on Discussions > Create Forum > Give it a name and Submit. Enter into the forum you just created and click … 11. Blackboard: Discussions – South Plains College.

How do I create a new forum on the board?

Sep 01, 2021 · If it is not already in your course menu, you’ll need to add a link to the Discussion Board: Click the “+” button above the course menu. Choose “Tool Link”. Choose “Discussion Board,” give it the title “Discussion Board”, and make sure to check the “Available to Users” box so students will have access to the link.

Does Blackboard save discussion?

You can retain and save discussion forum posts from your Blackboard course as a PDF by following these steps: Navigate to your course in Blackboard. Navigate to the main Discussion Boards page. Click on the name of the forum that you wish to save posts from.

How do you manage a discussion forum?

10 Tips for Effective Online DiscussionsConvey Clear Expectations. ... Adjust to the Discussion Board. ... Clarify Your Role. ... Provide Feedback and Coaching. ... Track Participation. ... Offer Groups and Discussion Board Alternatives. ... Create Questions You Care About. ... Select Discussion Leaders.More items...•Nov 21, 2018

What is the difference between a discussion board and forum?

A forum is an area of the discussion board where participants discuss a topic or a group of related topics. Within each forum, users can create multiple threads. When your instructor creates a forum, they may or may not let you start threads.

How do I find my saved discussion boards on Blackboard?

To access your drafts, return to the forum page and set it to List View. Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete.

How do you engage students in online discussions?

Nine simple ways to increase student engagement in online discussion forums:Attach Photos, Images, Videos, Tweets, Links, etc,: ... Read All the Posts: ... Respond to Students with a Question, Affirmation, or Feedback: ... Ask Questions and Challenge Your Students to Think: ... If a Discussion Is Lagging, Try Re-Framing the Question:More items...•Feb 22, 2022

How do you engage online discussions?


What is the advantage of joining a discussion forum or chat?

Students react to content, share challenges, teach each other, learn by stating and understanding, clarify assumptions, experiment, own new skills and ideas. Individualization of learning: Personal responses to forum topics are not limited in time or the length.

What is a forum discussion?

A forum is a public discussion. It can refer to a meeting, a meeting house or any conversation that is available publicly. There were forums — large public gathering places — in Ancient Rome; they can still be found across the globe.

How long should discussion board posts be?

75-150 wordsPosts should be within a range of 75-150 words. Make certain that all posts and responses address the question, problem, or situation as presented for discussion. This does not mean you should not extend the topic, but do not stray from the topic.

How do I recover a discussion post on Blackboard?

On the Discussions List page, click Restore from the More Actions button. Click Restore beside the forum or topic you want to restore. Click Yes …Sep 5, 2021

How do I find my draft?

Tap on the Posts & Stories icon at the bottom of the screen and then tap on the arrow drop down next to the Published, select “Drafts.” At this point, you should see a list of all the drafts you've saved. To post or delete a draft, tap on the three vertical dots.Feb 6, 2022

Where did my draft go?

Have you completed the email and sent it ? If yes, then the draft will be deleted from the 'Drafts' folder and you should find a copy of the sent email in the 'Sent' folder. The saved Draft is a copy of an unsent message that is in the process of being created.Sep 29, 2018

Accessing the Discussion Board

Log into your Blackboard course and click on the Discussion Board link in the course menu.

Creating a Discussion Forum, Part 2

Zoom: Image of the Discussion Board Screen with the Create Forum button at the top of the page highlighted with a red circle.

Setting up Forum Information and Availability

You will now see a screen labeled Create Forum. The section labeled Forum Information allows you to enter a name and description for the forum:

Setting Up the Forum Availability

Forum Availability allows instructors to set up the visibility of the forum to students:

Setting up Forum Settings: Overview

Zoom: Image of the section labeled Forum Settings with the following annotations: 1.Viewing Threads/Replies: The options in this section determine how students view threads within the forum.2.Grade: This section allows instructors to enable grading for the discussion forum..4.Subscribe: This section allows instructors to enable subscription options for the forum.5.Create and Edit: This option allows instructors to determine students' ability to edit their posts.6.Additional Options: This section allows instructors to modify additional options related to the discussion forum setup..

Finishing Up

When finished with setting up the discussion forum, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to create the forum.

What is discussion board statistics?

Discussion Board statistics are a part of the Performance Dashboard, accessed via the Control Panel. The dashboard displays the total number of Forums in which the user has participated.

What is the default role in a discussion board?

Discussion Board Forums include roles for each user involved in the Forum; the default role is Participant. These roles define privileges within the Forum. The Forum roles with administrative privileges that can be assigned to users in a Forum are

Why is flagging useful?

Flagging is useful for finding Threads or Posts at a later time, perhaps to help you remember where someone wrote of a useful resource, or to remind you to Reply later.

What is moderation in the world wide web?

A feature often seen in cyberspace, moderation refers to the screening of Posts before they are viewable by the rest of the users. Forums on the World Wide Web are often moderated to prevent cranky users from Posting inappropriate messages (e.g., with foul language, etc.)

How to read a post in a post?

To read a Post, click the underlined message title, or click Previous Post/Next Post in the right corner of a Post.To make a response, click Reply or click Quote. The latter will place the Parent Post into the body of your response. Type your reply, then click

How many stars can you give a post on a forum?

Users can rate Posts in the Forum on a scale of one to five stars as a form of peer review. Peer rating can be used to pedagogical advantage, perhaps as part of the grade you give.

Can you grade discussion posts?

Alternately, you can grade discussion Posts via the Gradebook itself. The disadvantage here is that the actual Posts don't appear on the page where you enter the grades. The advantage is that you can assign grades to all students at once and readily see information about the nature of the scoring, such as whether the grade is viewable by users or included in score calculations.