blackboard discussion description not showing

by Patsy Beatty 5 min read

If a thread is saved as a 'Draft', students will not see the thread listed on the Discussion Board. If a thread is saved as a 'Draft', students will not see the thread listed on the Discussion Board. The instructor must click Edit on the thread and then click Submit.Feb 9, 2016

How do I see my discussion post on Blackboard?

On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board....Open the Discussion BoardSelect a forum title to view the messages. ... Select a forum to open the thread of posts.More items...

How do I format a discussion post on Blackboard?

Choose Preformatted in BlackboardOpen a new Blackboard discussion post.Choose Preformatted under the drop-down options in the toolbar.Highlight your text in Word, copy it, and paste it into the Blackboard post window.When you see the pop-up window, choose “keep formatting”

Can you edit a Discussion Board post on Blackboard?

You can edit posts in any thread. If a student added inappropriate or inaccurate content, you can edit the post. When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts. Open a forum and select a thread.

How do I change the author on a Discussion Board on Blackboard?

Step 1: Navigate to the Discussion Board. Navigate to the Discussion Board.Step 2: Set Author of Anonymous Posts. Choose "Set [Your Name] as author." and click the Submit button.

How do you write a discussion post in APA format?

AnswerUsing APA in discussion posts is very similar to using APA in a paper. ... You need to cite your sources in your discussion post both in-text and in a references section. ... Note: There is not currently a way to create a hanging indent if your reference goes on more than one line.Jul 6, 2020

How do I keep formatting in Blackboard?

To avoid this issue, use the "Paste from Word" button when pasting content from Microsoft Office in the text editor in Blackboard: The "Paste from Word" option preserves your text formatting and tables, but removes any problematic HTML code that may be incompatible with the Blackboard application.

Can you delete a discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

Delete discussion topics, responses, and replies Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions.

Can professors see edits on blackboard?

By default, Edit Mode is turned On for instructors. When edit mode is turned on, an instructor can see all course content whether it is set to be visible or not. Instructors can also modify their course in this view. When edit mode is turned off, an instructor will see the course as a student would see it.Oct 22, 2018

Can you delete a discussion thread on Blackboard as a student?

Open the forum. Click the top left checkbox to select all the threads. Optional: Uncheck any message to be kept. Click Delete to remove the student posts.

What does clear flag mean on blackboard?

Set Flag will put a small read flag next to the selected message and is used as a way to mark the message as important or in need of further action. Clear Flag will delete set flags on selected messages.

How do I enable edit mode in Blackboard as a student?

In the top right corner of your course you can click the Edit Mode button to turn the Edit Mode on and off. When Edit Mode is ON, you see all the course content and the editing controls for each item. Edit Mode OFF hides the editing controls but still displays any content that would normally be hidden from a student.

How do I post anonymously on blackboard?

If anonymous posting has been enabled on the forum you can post anonymously by ticking the Post Message as Anonymous tick box.