blackboard dc office address

by Justen Reynolds 10 min read

Where is Blackboard company located?

Washington, D.C.Washington, D.C., U.S. U.S. Blackboard Inc. is an American educational technology company with corporate headquarters in Reston, VA. It is known for Blackboard Learn, a learning management system.

Can companies use Blackboard?

Blackboard Learn SaaS is now eligible for use by all federal agencies that meet the requirements for Low Impact SaaS (Li-SaaS).

Do schools still use Blackboard?

These days, most chalkboards are sold to restaurants, not to schools. The link between whiteboards and digital culture helped many U.S. schools adopt smartboards. By 2014, 60 percent of K-12 classrooms had interactive whiteboards, a figure that's expected to increase to 73 percent by 2019.Oct 13, 2016

Is Blackboard shutting down?

On 31 October 2021, Blackboard will shut down for good, and the deadline for downloading any content you want to save is coming up soon. Read on for important information about how to download your content before Blackboard is shut down.Oct 8, 2021