blackboard cwidaho

by Denis Adams 6 min read

What is blackboard and how does it work?

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How do I log into my CWI account on Blackboard?

Blackboard is the academic suite College of Western Idaho (CWI) instructors use to manage their classes and enhance learning. Your instructor may post supplemental resources, such as pictures, videos, or links to relevant web pages. Access to …

What is the maintenance schedule for Blackboard?

Dec 28, 2021 · Blackboard is the academic suite College of Western Idaho (CWI) instructors use to manage their classes and enhance learning. Your instructor may post … Current Students | CWI Blackboard. Your Virtual Classroom · Student Email. Your Office 365 Tools … Share Your CWI Experience · Student Handbook … Transfer from CWI.

What do I do if I cannot log on to Blackboard?

Dec 28, 2021 · Nov 3, 2020 — Blackboard is the academic suite College of Western Idaho (CWI) instructors use to manage their classes and enhance learning. Your instructor …



BOLD – it can mean many things. At College of Western Idaho, BOLD is gaining new skills, exploring new ways to learn, and taking the next step, together.


Psychology Research Bridge Program gives students a competitive edge for graduate school and job opportunities upon graduation.

Plans For Fall Classes

Masks are required (must cover nose and mouth) while indoors on campus, regardless of vaccination status. Visit Be Safe, BeMighty for details.

What is myCWI?

MyCWI is a secure website accessible by students, faculty, and staff of College of Western Idaho to share important information relevant to nearly all college information and transactions a student needs to be successful.

What Can I Expect?

MyCWI is the equivalent of a one-stop resource for CWI students, faculty, and staff to share information and complete nearly all tasks associated with enrollment. MyCWI is your eToolkit for a successful college experience at CWI and a gateway to resources.
