blackboard cwi email

by Armando Keeling IV 5 min read

How do I access my CWI email?

Temporary Access to Student Email Go to For your Microsoft Office 365 ID, enter your CWI email address (Example: [email protected]) with no spaces and all in lowercase. For your password, enter the same password you use to logon to myCWI and Blackboard.

How do I send my transcripts to CWI?

CWI will also accept faxed high school transcripts as official if they are faxed directly to 888.562. 3216 from the school with cover letter/letterhead, have “official” clearly marked on the transcript and have an official school signature/stamp on the transcript.

What is CWI username?

Username: In most cases, your e-mail address will be your [email protected] (ex. [email protected]). If you provided a preferred first name(nickname) to Student Services, your email address will be your [email protected] (ex. [email protected]).”

What GPA is required for CWI?

Most surgical technology programs are considered rigorous, challenging, yet powerfully life-changing. Students have generally been successful with GPAs at or above 2.75 and therefore the criteria for applying to the CWI Surgical Technology Program is a GPA of 2.75 in all pre-requisites.

How do I find my student ID for CWI?

Click on Box two “Plan Your Degree and Register for Classes.” On the left hand side choose “User Options.” Then choose “user profile.” There you will find your Student ID number. The "About You" page will show your Colleague ID which is the same as your Student ID.

How do I get my unofficial transcript from CWI?

How to view your unofficial transcriptClick on “My Toolkit,” then “My Toolkit for Students.”Click on “Plan & Register.”Click on “Plan & Register” again.Click on “Transcript.”Once you arrive at the Self-Service screen in Student Planning, click on “Academics.”Click on “Unofficial Transcript.”More items...

How do I get my unofficial transcript from Blackboard?

Click on My Academics. 4. Click on View my unofficial transcript.Jan 25, 2021

How do I reset my CWI password?

Log onto a CWI domain computer with your current username and password.Once logged on, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.In the Windows Security window, click Change Password.In the Change Password window, in the Old Password box, type the password you are currently using.More items...

How do I find my PCC ID?

You can find out your ID by logging into MyPCC and clicking on the 'My Profile' link on the Home tab. You may also see your PCC ID referenced on various letters and other information that you receive from the college.

Where is the student ID number?

Most of the time, your student ID can be found on your card. Locate a billing statement. Schools list student identification numbers on this document for financial records and verification. Typically, it is located on the top, left or right-hand of the statement.May 17, 2019

What is a passing grade for CWI?

For continued progression within the program: a “C” or above is required in every theory course and a “Pass” is required in every lab and/or practicum course. You may not move onto the next semester without passing all courses for that semester.

Is D passing at CWI?

A grade of “D” or above is considered passing in most courses.

What SAT score is required for CWI?

500For placement purposes, the minimum Math score is 23 for the ACT or 500 for the SAT. Students not meeting the ACT or SAT minimum will need to submit Math Diagnostic scores for appropriate placement.

What is Student ID number in Philippines?

A unique and permanent 12 digit number is assigned to anyone enrolled in the Philippine Basic Education system. The Philippines national student identification number.

How do I find out my Western student number?

The number, which is unique to every student, will be used as the key identifier on a student's record at Western. The Western Student Number is nine-digits long, randomly assigned, and tied to the Western student record. If you cannot locate or remember your Western Student Number, please email [email protected] 6, 2021