blackboard current version

by Paxton Yost 5 min read

Blackboard Learn 9.1 v3900. 23.0 release (full version 3900.23.

What's new in this release of Blackboard?

Details will also be found on Behind the Blackboard. Latest release: 3900.34.0-rel.63+d2ece0b to Production servers on 24 March 2022. Due to the way that our release calendar lines up in March, we will release 3900.34 to production on Thursday, 3 March.

What is the blackboard app?

Oct 29, 2021 · Latest version. 7.1.1. Apr 15th, 2022. Older versions. Advertisement. Blackboard is an app that aims to help students enjoy a custom virtual profile at school. If your school uses this system and you want to enjoy all of its advantages, then download the app to easily check out all the information related to your academic profile. The first thing you have to do to access your …

What is the latest version of Blackboard Learn SaaS continuous delivery?

The functionalities of this release are only available for Ultra courses and requires minimum Learn version 3900.12.0. With the latest Blackboard app and Blackboard Instructor releases students and instructors can now access recordings and be reminded when sessions are live.

Is there an error when accessing blackboard assist?

The System Information page displays the date that Blackboard Learn was installed, the last date Blackboard Learn was upgraded, and the current version of installed components. This information is useful in determining if the system is running the latest patch or upgrade release. To find system information, go to Administrator Panel > Tools and Utilities > System …


How do I update Blackboard?

Get Blackboard Learn updatesOn the Administrator Panel, under Software Updates, select Blackboard Learn Updates Available.Select Get It Now! to go the Blackboard Learn Downloads page and select the desired update.Download the update and the release notes, which provide warnings, tips, and installation instructions.

What is the difference between Blackboard and Blackboard Ultra?

The Ultra Course View is cleaner with a more modern design and easy-to-use workflows. It also has powerful new tools that are not available in the Original Course View, like Discussion Analytics. There are some features of the Original Course View that are not available in the Ultra Course View, however.

Does Blackboard have a free version?

Get a 30-day Free Trial of Blackboard Your free trial will include access to the following solutions: Blackboard Learn, our advanced learning management system. Blackboard Collaborate, the virtual classroom built specifically for teaching and learning.

What is new in Blackboard Ultra?

There are improvements to the Ultra Calendar as well as advanced filtering options for the Gradebook, submission linking, and calendar links for Ultra Peer Review. Students can now mark and track progress and the student experience is improved with a new navigation menu!

How do I convert a course to Blackboard Ultra?

You can start the Ultra preview at any time from your Original Course View. Select the Experience the new Learn icon in the top-right corner of the page. In the pop-up window, start the conversion to the Ultra Course View. You'll receive an email notification when your course is ready.Jan 5, 2017

How do I know if I have Blackboard Ultra?

Do I have Ultra? You have the Ultra experience if your name appears in the left panel of your window after you log in. You can navigate to core features outside of your courses from the list. When you select any link from the list, you see a global view across all your courses.

What is the cost of Blackboard?

Blackboard Learn Pricing Overview Blackboard Learn pricing starts at $9500.00 per year. They do not have a free version. Blackboard Learn offers a free trial. See additional pricing details below.Jan 25, 2022

Is Blackboard free for teachers?

Click “Free Courses” to join an online course for getting started with Collaborate – now available at no cost. Free IT resources to help communicate with instructors and students about using Collaborate for the first time.

Are Courseites free?

CourseSites by Blackboard provides every instructor with the most powerful tools to extend their classroom online, increase productivity and efficiency, and raise student engagement and achievement. These tools are free and all located in one place.May 12, 2011

How do I add HTML to Blackboard Ultra?

Add custom HTML or CSS In Ultra Course View, when you enable an alternate domain for your site, you can now use custom HTML or CSS in a document. Select Add HTML as a new block to embed an inline third-party HTML editor in the document. You can write or paste HTML code into the editor and select Save.

How do I see who is in my class on Blackboard?

View your Course Roster Enter your course by clicking its name in the My Courses module. In the Control Panel, select Users and Groups, then Users. Your class roster will appear, listing all students, instructors, and teaching assistants.Jan 3, 2022

Blackboard Instructor 4.6

In this release we’ve revamped the discussion board for Ultra courses!

Blackboard Instructor 4.4

In this release, we’ve added improvements to Collaborate! You’ll now be able to:

Blackboard Instructor 4.2.2

In this release we’ve fixed a crash when opening courses, squashed some small bugs, and made some minor improvements.

Blackboard Instructor 4.2.1

In this release we’ve fixed a crash when opening courses, squashed some small bugs, and made some minor improvements.

Version 4.0.1

In this release, we’ve fixed an issue that resulted in displaying multiple different questions randomly in a Test.

Version 3.11.2

In this release, we’ve fixed an issue that resulted in some users being frequently logged out.

Version 3.11.1

In this release we’ve fixed some bugs and made some minor improvements.

Learn SaaS release 3900.21.0: Update to client Production environments

Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.21.0 | Release to Production 2 September 2021

Ultra: Submission Receipt - 3900.23.0

Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.23.0 | Release to Production 7 October 2021#N#Ultra Experience, Ultra Course View

Rubric Criterion Increase - 3900.23.0

Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.23.0 | Release to Production 7 October 2021#N#Ultra Experience, Ultra Course View

Ultra: Rich Text Editor improvements: Add table - 3900.23.0

Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.23.0 | Release to Production 7 October 2021#N#Ultra Experience, Ultra Course View

API updates - 3900.23.0

Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.23.0 | Release to Production 7 October 2021#N#Ultra Experience, Ultra Course View

Highlight on bug fixes - 3900.23.0

Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.23.0 | Release to Production 7 October 2021#N#Ultra Course View, Ultra Experience

Learn SaaS release 3900.21.0

Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.21.0 | Release to Production 2 September 2021#N#Ultra Course View, Ultra Experience, Original Experience

What is a blackboard?

Blackboard is an app that aims to help students enjoy a custom virtual profile at school. If your school uses this system and you want to enjoy all of its advantages, then download the app to easily check out all the information related to your academic profile. The first thing you have to do to access your class group is to create a profile ...

Can you see your grades on Blackboard?

You can ask any teacher on the platform your questions and solve any doubts you may have quickly and easily. On top of all that, from your Blackboard profile, you can see your exam and class assignment grades, along with any comments or anything the teacher wants to add about your work and your school profile.

When will Collaborate Ultra be released?

The release of Collaborate Ultra version 21.02 has been rescheduled for all regions on Thursday, February 25, 2021. For more details visit, the Collaborate Ultra Version 21.02 release article. The Collaborate team has been actively working and focusing on new big features so we can release them as soon as possible.

Is webinar mode available on Blackboard?

Webinar mode is not available for our clients on the Moderator Access (Classroom) license. It is available for clients on our Department and Enterprise licenses. For questions about your license or to upgrade, please contact your Blackboard Account Executive.

Does Collaborate remind moderators to record?

Now Collaborate reminds moderators to start recording the session before they begin. As soon as moderators join the session, Collaborate presents a recording reminder. The reminder is visible until the moderator starts the recording or closes the reminder.

Can you download recordings from a course?

Session owners, course instructors, and administrators can now always download recordings even if the option to download recordings is clear in the session settings. Use the Allow recording downloads check box to let everyone else download the recording.

Is Collaborate session secure?

All newly-created Collaborate sessions are now secure by default . The Guest Access check box is clear when a new session is being created. The check box must be selected to allow guest access. Scheduler users still have the option to enable guest access if they choose, in order to allow public access to their session.

Can you share a camera on a mobile device?

This ability to share the camera as content on a mobile device means that moderators can now choose to use their back or rear facing camera as well. Only one camera can be shared at a time from a mobile device. Any video already shared will end to show the video from the new camera. New Features, Mobile.


Sion 5.9

  • Release date: November 16, 2020 In this release we’ve added support for Blackboard Assist– a new tool that allows your institution to promote and direct academic, support, and various other services to you.
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Sion 5.8

  • Release date: October 19, 2020 The activity stream has been refreshed and is now quicker than ever. You can now pull to refresh to get the latest content from your stream and courses. Alternative formats are now available for attachments in content items for Original courses.
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Sion 5.7

  • Release date: September 3, 2020 We added support for access codes in Ultra tests and fixed some bugs. More on Ultra tests in the app
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Ion 5.6.1

  • Release date: August 21, 2020 We squashed some bugs and made minor improvements. Prior to this release, users were able to access Ultra course group discussions but their posts weren't properly added to threads. Group discussions are not supported in the app, so users now see a message to access group discussions in the web view of their course to ensure their replies pos…
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Sion 5.6

  • Release date: August 12, 2020 We made some minor updates and bug fixes in this release for both platforms. In Ultra courses, we added a newness indicator for Announcements on the course overview. The new announcement is visually indicated on the Announcements page as well. More on announcements
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Sion 5.5

  • Release date: July 9, 2020 Depending on your institution’s Blackboard Learn configuration, your landing page in the app now matches the web experience. You'll see either the activity stream or course list based on what your institution selected as the default landing page.
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Sion 5.3

  • Release date: May 5, 2020 We’re very excited introduce Ally into the Blackboard App! Ally provides a way for you to generate alternative formats for course content. If you currently see Ally in the web browser view of your course, you can now use in the app, too! For example, do you learn better by listening to audio instead of reading text? We’ve got you covered—Ally can generate a d…
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Ion 5.2.3

  • Release date: April 16, 2020 On both iOS and Android, we fixed these bugs: 1. Fixed an issue where users saw an error when trying to open an organization from the grades/marks section 2. Improved the performance when loading grades/marks
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Ion 5.2.2

  • Release date: April 11, 2020 On both iOS and Android, we fixed an issue where users were frequently logged out and had to log back in. We also fixed various bugs and crashes.
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Sion 3.10

  • Release date: November 30, 2020 In this release, we’ve fixed some bugs and made some minor improvements.
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Sion 3.9

  • Release date: November 16, 2020 In this release, we fixed some bugs and made some minor improvements.
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Sion 3.7

  • Release date: September 3, 2020 We fixed some bugs and made some minor improvements. Access codes for Ultra tests are now supported in the Blackboard app for students. Learn more about supported Ultra tests features
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Ion 3.6.1

  • Release date: August 21, 2020 We squashed some bugs and made minor improvements. Prior to this release, users were able to access Ultra course group discussions but their posts weren't properly added to threads. Group discussions are not supported in the app, so users now see a message to access group discussions in the web view of their course to ensure their replies pos…
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Sion 3.6

  • Release date: August 12, 2020 We made some minor updates and bug fixes in this release for both platforms.
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Sion 3.2

  • Release date: April 6, 2020 We updated announcements with a new look and feel. Instructors can now create, edit, and schedule announcements for Ultra courses. More on announcements An upcoming building block update is needed to edit announcements in Original courses. The building block update is currently scheduled for release* in May 2020. More information for syst…
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Sion 3.0

  • Release date: January 30, 2020 We made some visual improvements to learning modulesfor Ultra courses to provide better visibility into your course structure and content delivery. SaaS administrators can turn off grade pill colorsin the administrator panel now. Note that grade pills only show for Original courses in the Blackboard Instructor app.
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