blackboard csusb'

by Kellen O'Keefe II 9 min read

How do I find my classes on CSUSB blackboard?

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What services does CSUSB provide to students?

California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 +1 (909) 537-5000

How do I turn in an assignment on Blackboard?

ATI and Blackboard. ATI is the administrator for our two campus-wide learning management systems, Canvas and Blackboard. Our teams of specialists can help you make your course content come alive for your students and more streamlined and efficient for faculty. ... California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Parkway San ...


ATI and Blackboard

ATI is the administrator for our two campus-wide learning management systems, Canvas and Blackboard. Our teams of specialists can help you make your course content come alive for your students and more streamlined and efficient for faculty.

Blackboard support

For your immediate support needs, we offer an array of self-help instructions and resources. If you have specific questions regarding Blackboard, please contact us or open a ticket and a team member from our office will gladly assist you with training or instructional design.

Blackboard Tutorials

Use of Blackboard Best practices can make your class run smoothly and efficiently.

Blackboard Integrations

iClicker is an interactive technology where students can give input directly from their clicker for discussions, presentations, quizzes, and more.

What is a discussion board?

This is the interface of a discussion board page. This allows students and professors to talk based on prompts or to discuss questions with professors or other students. Some may even be graded for your individual term grades. Information regarding how to use it will be discussed in a different web page.

What is tool in class?

Tools are help software that help you in a class or gives additional support. Each will be discussed in greater detail later. Not all will be needed for most of your purposes. Among the most important are My Grades, Announcements, Blackboard Help for Students, Calendar, and Contacts.
