blackboard course set up

by Rhea Cassin 8 min read

How to create and add a course on Blackboard?

Set Up Courses. Make a Course Available to Students. Set Up Notifications. Calendar. Student Preview. Ultra Course Preview. Course Roles. Customize Your …

How to put your course on Blackboard?

Manage Course Enrollment. Course Banner. Make a Course Available to Students. Set Up Notifications. Calendar. Student Preview. Ultra Course Preview. Course Roles. Progress Tracking.

How to make a course available?

Set Up Notifications. Calendar. Student Preview. Ultra Course Preview. Course Roles. Customize Your Course. Manage Course Enrollment. Make a Course Available to Students. On this page.

How to add someone into your blackboard course?

How to Access Your Course. Log in to Single Sign-On ( ). Click on the Blackboard tile. F rom the Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation landing page, select the Courses tab in the left-hand menu. Click on the course title link to access the course.


About Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation

This new navigation menu has a modern look and feel and will save you time with simpler workflows and easier access to important information. It includes links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, Calendar, and course Messages, that provide quick access to the most critical information consolidated from all your courses. ​

Updating the Syllabus

Most of the Syllabus has already been pre-populated with policies established at the program or university level.

Saving and Emailing the Syllabus As a PDF

Once you have added the details to the Syllabus, download and email a PDF of the syllabus to all your students, welcoming them to the course, at least two weeks before the start of your course.

Creating and Editing Announcements

Announcements are an ideal way to post time-sensitive information critical to course success.

Set Due Dates

Our resource guide provides an overview on how to set the due dates on Assignments, Discussion Forums, and Tests.

Update the Course Calendar

You can use the Course Calendar to provide students with dates for course-related events. Common entries include: upcoming tests, due dates for assignments, or special lectures.

Set Up Blackboard Retention Center

The Retention Center helps you discover which students in your course are at risk. Based on default rules and rules you create, students' engagement and participation are visually displayed, quickly alerting you to potential risk.

Copy Your Course Content

If you have set up a Bb course shell in a previous semester and would like to use what you’ve built for this new semester, you can copy it into your newer course shell.

Stack Your Courses

If you are teaching multiple sections of the same course in the same semester, you will notice that separate course shells are automatically generated in Bb for each section. You may find it easier to stack these shells.

Organize Your Course

Easy access and clear consistency are keys to a well-organized course, whether you are starting from scratch or updating a course you have previously taught online. Below are strategies for organizing your course.

Set Due Dates

Double-check that all of your assignments, quizzes and anything else that gets graded has a due date in the Bb Grade Center. This is a particularly important detail to check if you have copied your course from a previous semester.

Refresh Your Course Introduction

Whether you have crafted your course introduction as narrative text or in a video, giving it a refresh helps to add your presence to the course and helps students make a connection with you as the instructor.

Test Your Course with the Student Preview

Once you’ve set up your course, ensure students see what you want them to see. Use the Enter Student Preview tool. Entering the Student Preview allows you to see most of your course as a student will see it. Use it to test course content such as your syllabus, course calendar and content you add to your module folders.

Make Your Course Available

You’re all finished building your course in Bb! The last step before the first day of class is to make your Bb course available to students. This process is not automated. It is up to you to make your course available so that your students will be able to see it in their course list when they log into Bb.
