blackboard content collection

by Joesph Hammes 5 min read

To access the Content Collection in Blackboard, log into your Blackboard course and go to the Control Panel. In the Control Panel, click on Content Collection to view links related to the Content Collection: Click on the Course ID to access the Content Collection for the current course.

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What is blackboard's content collection?

In the Content Collection, you can store, share, and publish digital content in personal, course, and institution folders. When you want to edit content, you do so once and the updates appear throughout your work. You can share content by setting permissions and sending passes. In the list where your name appears, select Tools.

How do I use the content collection?

The Content Collection provides repositories for Blackboard Learn courses and users, and is managed through the Administrator Panel. It also allows users to store, share, and publish content within personal user folders, course folders, and institution folders. Most Content Collection features and settings in Blackboard Learn SaaS are identical to those of the Content …

What is the difference between Blackboard Learn SaaS and self-and managed-hosting?

Course Files is the file repository available for all Blackboard Learn courses. However, if your institution has access to content management, the Content Collection is the file repository. You can easily determine which one your institution uses by looking at the Control Panel in a course. If the first menu item says Files, your institution uses Course Files.

How do students access files and folders in content collection?

Access the Content Collection In the list where your name appears, select Tools to access the global functions that are outside a course. The cross-course Blackboard tools you're familiar with are available on the Tools page, such as the Content Collection. In the Content Collection, you can upload files to use in your courses.


What is Blackboard content Collection?

Blackboard's Content Collection is a file repository that allows faculty and students to store, manage, and share content. The Content Collection functions as a virtual hard drive that can be accessed from any computer by logging into a user's Blackboard account.

How do I access content collection in Blackboard?

To access the Content Collection in Blackboard, log into your Blackboard course and go to the Control Panel. In the Control Panel, click on Content Collection to view links related to the Content Collection: Click on the Course ID to access the Content Collection for the current course.Mar 6, 2019

How do I delete a content collection in Blackboard?

Click on the Recycle Bin in the Content Collection list. Click Empty Bin. Click OK to permanently delete content.Dec 17, 2020

How do I publish content on Blackboard?

You can share content by setting permissions and sending passes. In the list where your name appears, select Tools. Select Content Collection. Check out the other topics in this section to learn how to use the Content Collection.

How do I view files on Blackboard?

In the course Control Panel, click on the arrow to the right of Files to open the course Fileshare area. If you expand Files in the Control Panel menu you will see a variety of Fileshare areas to which you may have access. Your course area will always be listed at the top – showing the Blackboard course ID.Aug 9, 2021

How do you delete a folder in Blackboard?

Blackboard (Faculty) - Course Content: Remove Course FilesNavigate to your course content collection.Place a check mark next to the file you want to permanently remove from the course and click the Delete at the bottom of the screen.More items...•Jan 14, 2019

How do I free up space on blackboard?

Here are some suggestions to get the most use out of your course space in Blackboard:Stream your videos. ... Clean up the Course Content folder of unused files. ... Remove duplicate files. ... Remove old export folders. ... Reduce the size of your PowerPoint files. ... Move large files to OneDrive.Nov 6, 2018

Can you Unsubmit on Blackboard as a student?

You can't edit a submitted assignment, but you may be allowed to resubmit it. However, you can't resubmit all assignments. Check if you can submit an assignment more than once. If you can't and made a mistake, you must contact your instructor to ask for the opportunity to resubmit the assignment.

How do I Unsubmit an assignment on Blackboard as a student?

In your course, go to the Control Panel > Full Grade Centre.Click on the downward grey chevron arrow icon in the right of the cell corresponding to the submission. ... Select Clear Attempt in the bottom right of the page.Blackboard will issue a warning message reminding you that the submission cannot be recovered.More items...•Jul 17, 2018

How do I make content available to students on Blackboard?

Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course. In the Course Management menu under Customization, click Properties. Under Set Availability, check the radio button next to "Yes" for Make Course Available. Click the Submit button.

What is the difference between content area and module page in Blackboard?

Unlike the content folder, a learning module will give you and your students a table of contents that automatically lists the content you put within the module. You can enforce sequential viewing of the items in the learning module, so students will need to access the items in the order than you determine.Jul 29, 2021

What is course content example?

Any informational material that is required for participation or understanding content such as assigned readings, video recordings, exams, and any other material needed for learning.

What Is The Content Collection?

  • In the Content Collection, you can store, share, and publish digital content in personal, course, and institution folders. When you want to edit content, you do so once and the updates appear throughout your work. You can share content by setting permissions for others and sending passes so that they can access it. Your role determines which tools and workflows you have acc…
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How Do I Access The Content Collection?

  • After you log in to Blackboard Learn, select the Content Collectiontab in the page header. Your institution may restrict access to the Content Collection or rename the tab. If you have difficulty finding the Content Collection, contact your institution.
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Content Collection Menu

  • You can access items in the Content Collection from the menu. You can view the Content Collection menu in the Shortcut View or the Folder View. Initially, the shortcut view appears by default. Select an icon in the upper-right corner of the menu to change your view. The system saves the view you choose and returns to that view each time you access the Content Collection…
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How Is The Content Organized?

  • The Content Collection contains files and folders organized for users, courses, and the institution. The three default groups of content are My Content, Course Content, and Institution Content. Each group displays folders and files if any are available to you. You access each group through the Content Collectionmenu. My Contentis used to store folders and files-referred to as items-for yo…
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View Content

  • The content frame displays the items and workflows and you chose in the menu. Select a column title to sort the items and folders. The orientation bar appears at the top of the content frame. Use this hierarchical trail to show where you are located and how you got there. Select an item on the bar to go to that folder. Orientation bar drop-down lists act as folder separators and display a lis…
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Access Portfolios and Tools

  • Use the Jump Tomenu to access portfolios, learning objects, and other tools in the Content Collection. You can collapse and expand each menu. Select a heading in the menu to open a tool in the content frame. Your institution may restrict access to tools, such as portfolios.
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Search The Content Collection

  • You can search to locate all of the files and folders others have shared with you. After a search, only those items you have permissions for are returned. If permissions are granted on a nested folder-and not the top-level folder-you can search for the folder and bookmark it. All searches are case-insensitive. Basic Search: You can search terms within metadata and file or folder names. …
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Set Your Personal Home Page

  • You can select an entry point into the Content Collection. If you access the same course every time you open the tab, set the home page to point to that course folder. You can set any course or bookmarked location as your entry point. 1. Go to the Content Collection. 2. In the Jump To menu, select Personal Settings in the Toolssection. 3. On the Personal Settings page, select the Custo…
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Create A Bookmark

  • You can go directly to a specific folder in the Content Collection. Select Go to Locationand provide the path to open a folder and bookmark the location at the same time. 1. In the Jump To menu, select Go to Location in the Toolssection. 2. On the Go to Location page, Browsefor a location. 3. Type a Nameto create a bookmark. 4. Select Submit. Bookmark Itemsalso appears on the actio…
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