blackboard collect discussion

by Eudora Mitchell III 7 min read

What does collect mean in Blackboard discussions?

The "Collect" feature in the Blackboard discussion board tool allows instructors and students to assemble multiple discussion board posts onto one page. This allows for easy reading, saving, or printing of multiple posts.Oct 31, 2018

Does blackboard save discussion?

When posting to a discussion board in Blackboard, you will see that you have a "save draft" button located next to your "submit" button. If you begin to create your post and need to step away, you can click to "save draft" and Blackboard will save what you have entered for you to go back to later and finish.

How do I download a discussion post on Blackboard?

How to Download Blackboard Discussion forum PostsNavigate to your course in Blackboard.Navigate to the main Discussion Boards page.Click on the name of the forum that you wish to save posts from.Use the checkboxes to select the threads you want to save the posts from. ... Then click the "Collect" button.More items...

How do I save a discussion thread?

Go to the discussion board thread you want to save.Right click anywhere on the screen, and click Print from the pop-up menu.On the print menu click Change under Destination.On the pop-out menu, select Save as PDF.Click Save , and choose a destination on your computer.Add the file as an artifact to your e-portfolio.Nov 14, 2017

How do I find my saved discussion draft on Blackboard?

To access your drafts, return to the forum page and set it to List View. Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete.

Can blackboard teachers see drafts?

7. If you are ready to submit your Assignment for grading, click Submit. Note: If you choose to Save as Draft, your instructor will not be able to see your submission until you Submit the assignment.

How do I find a draft on d2l?

To find a saved draft discussion, click on the topic where you created the draft, then click Drafts from the Filter by status bar.

What can you search for in a discussion board?

In the discussion board, you can search for specific text, such as a phrase, word, or part of a word.

How to collect all the posts in a forum?

In a forum, open a thread. Select the check boxes next to the posts you want to collect. If a post has replies and you want them to appear on a collection page, select the check boxes for those posts as well.

How to narrow your search results?

To further narrow your search results, select the After and Before check boxes to enable the date and time selections. Type dates and times in the boxes or use the Date Selection Calendar and Time Selection Menu to select dates and times. Select Go . On the Search Results page, you can browse and read the results.

Can you create tags in a forum?

You can filter and search posts with tags, but you can't create tags. On the forum page, all tags appear in the Tags column, which is only visible in List View. To filter the list of threads by a tag, select Tags and choose a tag to display or Show All Tags.

Accessing the Discussion Board

Log into your Blackboard course and click on the Discussion Board link in the course menu.

Selecting a Discussion Forum

You will now see a list of forums that have been created in the Course Discussion Board. Click on the name of the forum in which you would like to create a new thread.

Collecting Discussion Board Posts, Part 1

You will now see a list of threads within the forum you selected. Check the boxes to the left of the threads you wish to view the posts for and click the Collect button at the top.

Collecting Discussion Board Posts, Part 2

You will now see all the discussion posts in the selected threads on the screen. You can now print the page, or you can copy the threads into a Word document to archive the posts.

How to use discussion in a class?

You can use discussions for these tasks: 1 Meet with your peers for collaboration and social interaction. 2 Pose questions about homework assignments, readings, and course content. 3 Demonstrate your understanding or application of course material.

What are some ways to use discussion in a classroom?

You can use discussions for these tasks: Meet with your peers for collaboration and social interaction. Pose questions about homework assignments, readings, and course content.

What happens when you post first?

When you "post first," you aren't influenced by your classmates' responses. When you open this type of discussion, a message appears: Post a response to see discussion activity. You can't view discussion activity yet. Responses and replies appear when you post a response.

How to use the options in the editor?

You can use the options in the editor to format text, attach files, and embed multimedia. If you view the editor on a smaller screen, select the plus icon to view the menu of options. For example, select Insert/Edit Local Files —represented by the paper clip icon. Browse for a file from your computer.

Can your instructor grade your contributions?

Your instructor can also grade your contributions. Your instructor can also create a group discussion for you to discuss a topic with a group of your classmates. If your instructor added due dates for graded discussions, you can open discussions from your Grades pages, the calendar, and the activity stream.

Filter posts

To filter posts on the Search Results or Collection page, select the Filter function to expand the field. Select options from the lists: Author: Select All or select an author. Status: Show All or select a status. Read Status: Select Show All, Read, or Unread posts. Tags: Show All Tags or select a tag.

Sort posts

To sort posts on the Search Results or Collection page, access the Sort by menu.

Where tags appear

On the Collection page, the tag you provided appears below each post you selected. If you provide multiple tags, all appear. To delete a tag, select the red X next to it.


Search Discussions

  1. Go to the discussion board, a forum, or a thread and select Search.
  2. Type your search word or phrase in the Searchbox.
  3. In the list, select an area to search:
  4. To further narrow your search results, select the After and Before check boxes to enable the …
  1. Go to the discussion board, a forum, or a thread and select Search.
  2. Type your search word or phrase in the Searchbox.
  3. In the list, select an area to search:
  4. To further narrow your search results, select the After and Before check boxes to enable the date and time selections. Type dates and times in the boxes or use the Date Selection Calendar and Time...

Collect Posts

Filter and Sort Posts

Tagged Threads