If you record a Collaborate session from your Blackboard course, then once the recording has been processed, it will be available from the Collaborate area of that course. Note: When recordings are kept longer than 14 days, a transcript or captions must be provided.
Record your Blackboard Collaborate Ultra sessions so that your participants can access presentations whenever they need them. Stop and restart whenever you need to, and when finished, locate them to share. Recorded sessions are compressed and saved as MP4s. Recordings include activity in the live session. Audio.
The recording player has the same look and feel as your Collaborate session. There is a Recording menu similar to the Session menu in your live sessions and recording playback controls.. Recording menu: Open the Recording menu at the top left of your screen. From here you can download the full recording, download caption transcripts, download chat transcripts, …
Oct 29, 2021 · Go to Bb Collaborate page and expand the Menu. · Go to Bb Collaborate Menu and Select on “Recordings.” · View your Recording. · Watch your … 9. Downloading Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Recordings … https://blackboard.ku.edu/downloading-blackboard-collaborate-ultra-recordings. Access Blackboard Collaborate within your course.
May 26, 2021 · https://blackboard.ku.edu/downloading-blackboard-collaborate-ultra-recordings. Access Blackboard Collaborate within your course. · Open the menu in the upper left-hand corner, and select Recordings. · If you don't see the … 10. How to View a Blackboard Collaborate Recording. https://eli.nvcc.edu/webinars/View_a_Blackboard_Collaborate_Recording.pdf. To …
You can view recordings in courses you are enrolled in. You may be able to download recordings. Moderators must allow session recording downloads for each session.
The recording player has the same look and feel as your Collaborate session. There is a Recording menu similar to the Session menu in your live sessions and recording playback controls.
Open the Chat panel at the bottom right of your screen to see the complete chat history of the recorded session.
If the moderator has allowed session recording downloads, you can download recordings and transcripts from the recording player Recording menu.
Students can be given access via a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool link added to the course menu, or in a content area.
Staff and students see essentially the same screen, although students will not see any editing options.
Add captions to your videos to engage all learners. Captioning video creates accessible content for individuals who are deaf or hearing impaired. Captions can help all students consume the video content. The uses for captions are limitless.
Recorded sessions are compressed and saved as MP4s. Recordings include activity in the live session. Audio. Any content shared or active speaker video. If both are shared during the session, only the content shared is recorded. Captions entered during the live session or added later by a moderator.
MP4 Recordings created before November 24, 2018 in the AU and CA regions are stored in Ireland. Learn more about AU and CA recordings on Behind the Blackboard (available in English only). Amazon S3 uses Amazon CloudFront caching to speed up access to files stored.
Moderators can record their sessions and share them. The recordings are saved as MP4 files. Users can stream or download the recordings to view them. Recordings capture the audio, video, and any content that is shared during a session. Audio is recorded in mono.