blackboard collaborate spinning wheel

by Vernice Kreiger 7 min read

How do I customize the spinning wheel?

Purple spinning wheel in Collaborate Ultra If you have tried to open a Collaborate Ultra session and only seeing a purple spinning wheel, please follow the below steps Cause: 3rd party cookies have been disabled or/and Blackboard sites blocked in cookies

What is the blackboard chatbot?

MCCC - blackboard help collaborate-troubleshooting Collaborate Troubleshooting Connection Error: Spinning Purple Wheel If you are trying to connect to a session and, instead of loading, you see a spinning purple wheel, check your cookie settings. Collaborate Ultra requires cookies in order to work properly.

How do I contact blackboard technical support?

Jul 04, 2019 · Instead the user sees a purple spinner. Users see a purple spinner because disabling 3rd party cookies blocks the Collaborate LTI from sharing data or using cookies properly with the CMS/LMS. Therefore, the Blackboard Collaborate LTI requires the CMS/LMS to share this data in order for the Collaborate Scheduler to work. Solution/Workaround

How do I enable audio on Blackboard Collaborate?

May 15, 2020 · My Collaborate won't open - the purple wheel just keeps spinning. Answer. If you're having trouble accessing Collaborate, you may need to enable 3rd party cookies in Google Chrome. ... Chrome is the recommended browser for accessing Blackboard. In the top right hand corner of the Chrome Browser: Click on the three vertical dots ;


Why is my Blackboard Collaborate not loading?

Try clearing your browser cache, and reloading the session. Restart your computer. Try using Firefox instead of Chrome. Try dialling into the session using your phone.

Why is collaborate Ultra not loading?

Check that your browser is fully up-to-date. Check the browser's microphone and webcam settings to make sure the correct input is selected and that Collaborate Ultra has not been blocked. Clear your browser's cache. Make sure your browser allows third-party cookies.Jan 29, 2021

Why is Blackboard Collaborate not working on my Mac?

If you do have the most recent version of Java installed, and Blackboard Collaborate is still not cooperating, the most likely fix is to clear your Java cache. These instructions are for Mac OS X 10.7. 3 and above. Step 1: Find the Java Control Panel.

How do I fix my camera on Blackboard Collaborate?

To access your My Settings area, open the Collaborate Panel on the lower right side of the screen. Click the My Settings button at the bottom of the page. This will open your My Settings. Click Select Set Up your Camera and Microphone to set up your audio and video.Apr 9, 2019

Why is Blackboard not working on Chrome?

Make sure that cookies from third parties are allowed. Third party cookies are allowed by default on all supported browsers. If you experience problems staying logged in to Blackboard, please check your browser settings to make sure you allow third party cookies.

How do I enable Blackboard Collaborate Ultra?

If you are using the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool, you can add Blackboard Collaborate directly to your course content.From the content area select Tools and More Tools.Select Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. By default the link name is Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. ... Select Submit.

Is Blackboard compatible with Mac?

Recommended Browser We strongly recommend Blackboard students use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox for Windows or Mac because it is the most compatible with our current Blackboard systems.

Does Blackboard work on Macbook?

The Blackboard Collaborate Launcher is a software application for Mac OS X 10.8. 4 and higher. The Launcher provides a convenient and reliable way for you to access your Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing sessions and recordings.

How do I fix Blackboard?

Table of ContentsReload or Hard Refresh the Blackboard Web Page Multiple Times.Check the Blackboard Server Status.Use a Different Web Browser.Clear Your Web Browser's Recent History, Cache and Cookies.Sign Out and Sign Back Into Blackboard.Avoid Leaving Blackboard Logged In on Your PC.More items...•Oct 24, 2020

Why is my camera sideways on Blackboard Collaborate?

Why is this happening? According to Blackboard, this is a known issue. This problem occurs when using a 2 in 1 convertible laptop (like a Microsoft Surface)is running the Microsoft Edge Web Browser. Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Windows 10.Apr 6, 2020

Can I use Blackboard Collaborate without a camera?

Select a Camera If only one video camera is installed on your computer, Blackboard Collaborate automatically uses it when you preview and transmit video. However, if you have more than one video input device on your computer, you can choose which device to use.

Does blackboard use Webcam?

Blackboard can monitor and record candidates' exam environment through their computer's webcam and microphone, record computer screen, monitor and restrict right-clicking, minimize, screen capture, new window, and various other actions.

What does WS4000 mean?

M:WS4000 error indicates an authorization token mismatch in cases where a user has been improperly connected to or not completely disconnected from a Collaborate Ultra session when another launch event for the same session is detected using a new authorization token.

Why is the URL not available?

The URL that the user is trying to use is not available yet because the session is scheduled in the future. Users may receive the session link in advance of the session start time in an email.

How to enable cookies on Chrome?

Enable cookies on Chrome: On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click ⋮ icon, then "Settings.”. Under "Privacy and security," click "Site Settings", then "Cookies and site data.”. Next to "Allow," select the "Add" button. Enter the web address:
