blackboard cirus

by Dallas Bayer V 4 min read

Elevating Student Success and Instructor Efficiency

Cirrus ™ is Paradigm's next-generation learning solution for developing students' skills in Microsoft ® Office, computer concepts, health careers, accounting, and career readiness.

View Client Success Stories

Check out videos and feedback from instructors using Cirrus to develop their students' skills.

Ensure All Students Are Ready for Day One

With Cirrus, students can quickly and easily access complete course content in a cloud-based environment. No installations, delays, or disruptions before the first day of class and beyond.

Foster Self-Sufficient Learners

New video demonstrations show students exactly how to perform chapter activities successfully.

View Students' Progress

Cirrus tracks students' step-by-step interactions, giving instructors visibility into students' progress and missteps.

Experience Exceptional Support for Students and Instructors

At Paradigm, we are committed to providing instructors and students with unparalleled technical support. We also provide onboarding preparation, training, and professional development resources to help instructors set up a Cirrus course and customize it to suit their needs.
