blackboard cdsh

by Ramon Langosh 7 min read

What is a blackboard crash course?

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What is blackboard and how does it work?

Welcome To CDSH. College of Dental Science & Hospital, Rau, Indore, was established in 1999 by Vajdi Educational Society. CDSH has established firm credentials as an exemplary educational institution emulating high standards of academic excellence. The institute begins with providing qualification in BDS courses. In just over a decade, CDSH has ...

How do I get technical assistance with blackboard?

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Why can’t I see my course on Blackboard?

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Blackboard Help

If you need technical assistance with Blackboard, contact the IT Support Center at 614-287-5050 or email [email protected] .

Blackboard Tools

NetTutor NetTutor offers online tutoring options for students. You can access NetTutor by clicking on the N logo in any course.

Web-conferencing Tools

Zoom is an online web conferencing platform that allows students the ability to attend virtual class meetings, share presentation materials, and communicate in real-time using audio, video, and chat tools.