blackboard cardiff uni

by Deanna Oberbrunner 6 min read

How can I get in touch with Cardiff University?

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What is Blackboard Learn?

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What is Blackboard Collaborate Ultra?

Information about living in University residences and finding and living in private sector accommodation. Libraries LibrarySearch, locations and opening times and librarian live chat.


What is a blackboard learn?

Blackboard Learn is an application for online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing (termed "LMS", or Learning Management System). Hosting a large variety of tools and features, Blackboard Learn is an invaluable tool for teachers and students alike.

Does Ultra Base Navigation affect UNI?

Beginning with the Spring 2019 semester, UNI's Blackboard Learn system was upgraded to use Ultra Base Navigation. Ultra Base Navigation did not affect your courses. It only affected the portal and base navigation menu. Learn more on our Blackboard Learn Ultra Base Navigation page

Check where you need to be

A calendar containing your personalised teaching timetable helps you know where you need to be, how to get there, and when you need to prepare.

Stay connected

Notifications and the latest student news help you stay informed, ensuring you are always connected.

Access help and support

The easiest way to get in touch so we can help you make the most of your time here.

Find the information you need

Search for University locations, facilities, general information, and other helpful services from around Cardiff.

View and manage your university data

A personalised view of your student data, all in one place, helps you stay organised and up-to-date.


This guide aims to help you to identify and resolve an issue of Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.

Who is this guide for?

This guide is aimed at anyone in Cardiff University who encounters a problem with Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.

How do you use this guide?

When you experience a technical problem of the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, you can navigate the top menu and go to the most relevant topic to find a solution.
