blackboard beds

by Destinee Beahan 6 min read

What is distance learning?

Distance learning courses are designed to reach out to students from anywhere. If UD principles are used in creating these classes, they will be accessible to any students who enroll in them and any instructors who are hired to teach them. Designed correctly, distance learning options create learning opportunities for students with a broad range of abilities and disabilities. Designed poorly, they erect new barriers to equal participation in academics and careers. UD can bring us closer to making learning accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time. 6

Should distance learning be proactive?

Distance learning programs should be proactive in making their courses accessible. Rather than wait until someone with a disability enrolls in a course to address accessibility issues, they should consider them as they plan the course. To get started, program staff can

Can a colorblind student see only a small portion of a web page?

student or instructor who has limited vision can use special software to enlarge screen images. He may see only a small portion of a web page at a time. Consequently, he can easily become confused when web pages are cluttered and when layouts change from page to page. Standard printed materials may also be inaccessible to him; he may require large print or electronic text that his system can enlarge for him. Individuals who are colorblind cannot successfully navigate web pages that require the user to distinguish some color combinations.

Can a student with mobility impairment use a keyboard?

student or instructor with a mobility impairment who cannot move his hands may use an alternative keyboard or speech input to gain access to online course materials and communication tools. Another student or instructor may be able to use standard input devices, but lack the fine motor skills required to select small buttons on the screen. If his input method is slow, a person with a mobility impairment may not be able to effectively participate in synchronous (real-time) communications. If any place-bound meetings are required in a distance learning course, a participant with a mobility impairment may require that the location be wheelchair-accessible.

Can students with speech impairment participate in videoconferences?

student with a speech impairment may not be able to effectively participate in interactive telephone conferences or videoconferences. However, modes of participation that do not require the ability to speak, such as email, are fully accessible.

Do you need captioning for a video presentation?

Ideally, whenever a video presentation is used in a distance learning course, captioning should be provided for those who have hearing impairments and audio description (that describes aurally the visual content) should be provided for those who are blind. If a video publisher does not make these options available, the distance learning program should have a system in place to accommodate students who have sensory impairments. For example, the institution could hire someone local to the student to describe the visual material to a blind student or to sign audio material for a student who is deaf. Real-time captioning (developed at the time of the presentation) or sign language interpreting should be provided for videoconferences when requested by participants who are deaf.

Can you use teleconferencing for small group discussions?

Sometimes, online courses include teleconferencing opportunities for discussion in small groups. This mode of communication creates scheduling challenges for everyone. It is also inaccessible to a student who is deaf. Instructors who use teleconferencing for small group discussions should allow alternative communication (e.g., email)
