blackboard at harper college

by Hyman Kemmer 10 min read

Getting Technical Assistance at Harper College

Technical support is available for anyone using Blackboard at Harper College.

Online Student Help

Blackboard tutorials are available for viewing and/or download. Watch movies or print tip sheets that explain how to use the most common Blackboard tools if you aren't sure how to do something required in your course site. You will find this area especially useful if live technical support is not available when you have a question.

Online Faculty Help

Blackboard tutorials are available for viewing and/or download. Watch videos or print our tip sheets that explain how to use many of the most common Blackboard tools. If you aren't sure how to use the tools in the Blackboard Control Panel, you will find this area especially useful.


Harper College Library Online is a collection of virtual resources created to support students taking online classes at Harper College. We look forward to working with you!


Databases are easy to search and contain articles from thousands of journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Streaming Videos

Videos are a quick and fun way to learn about a topic. Use them as visual aides in presentations or speeches.

Research Guides & More

Research Guides contain an organized collection of resources related to a specific subject.

Plagiarism - what it is and how to avoid it!

For a better understanding of plagiarism and how you can avoid it, click here.

Information Literacy - what it is and why it's important!

"Information Literacy" refers to the skills necessary to successfully locate, evaluate, and use information.

How do I know if a resource is good?

There are so many resources available - how do you know what's "good"? Use the TRAAP test!

What is Ally?

Blackboard Ally is a course content accessibility tool that integrates with Blackboard, allowing instructors to address accessibility issues and provide alternative formats for students at Harper College. This page provides resources, self-help guides, and tutorials related to Blackboard Ally.

Get Started with Ally

The Ally tool will run an automated check on documents uploaded to your course and provide an accessibility “score” for each document. Once the scoring is complete, you will see a gauge next to each document, letting you know how accessible the document is.

Improve Content Accessibility

Once you know the accessibility score for your course, or course files, you can begin to explore the accessibility issues and improve your content to raise the score.

Alternative Formats & Students

Alternative formats benefit everyone. One of the features of Ally is the ability to generate alternative formats for many of your course documents.

Become an Ally Advocate

Ally Advocates are recognized for their ability to leverage the Blackboard Ally tool to improve the accessibility, quality, and usability of course content for all students. An Ally Advocates will be awarded a badge and 1.0 CEUs for completing a chosen pathway in the Ally Checklist.

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Don’t worry – it is not as scary as you think. You don’t have to fix everything at once – and we promise you won’t need to learn whole new programs or learn to code. Ally is just a tool to help start the conversation about how you can ensure that your materials are inclusive for all students.
