blackboard alignment count

by Dr. Ola Wehner 7 min read

What is content alignment in Blackboard?

Any type of content or Blackboard assessment can be aligned to goals by using the Add Alignments feature, including Grade Center columns, Assignments, Discussion Boards, Rubrics, individual Rubric rows, Tests, and individual test questions. The alignments can be either visible to students or hidden.

How do you align goals in Blackboard?

Open the menu next to the question and select Align with goal. A trophy icon appears next to questions with aligned goals. Select the icon to edit or remove goals from the question. Or, you can select Align with goal again to add, edit, or remove goals associated with the question.

How do I add alignment in Blackboard?

To align a content item or assessment with a course goal, hover over the item you wish to add an alignment for and click the contextual menu button that appears to the right of the content item name. Select the Add Alignments option from the menu that appears.May 11, 2016

How do goal performances work in Blackboard?

In your My Blackboard menu, go to Tools > Goal Performance. A list of all of your students in all of your courses appears. Select students to view their Goal Performance Dashboards. Select a goal on the dashboard to view the individual components.

What are blackboard achievements?

What are achievements? You can use Blackboard achievements to create opportunities for students to earn recognition for their work. You designate criteria for issuing achievements to students in the form of both badges and certificates.

What is retention center in Blackboard?

The Retention Center is a Blackboard Tool designed to help you identify students that may be at-risk in your course and require special attention. The main table displays which students are at risk in one or more of four categories: Missed Deadlines. Grades. Course Activity.

Where is the course dashboard on blackboard?

The dashboard is typically found on the left side of the page.