auto reports blackboard tracking

by Esperanza Nitzsche 5 min read

On the Administrator Panel, under Tools and Utilities, select System Reporting. Select Auto-Reporting Options. To automatically send system data updates to a secure Blackboard Learn server, select Yes in the Reporting field. If Auto-Reporting is turned off, no data will still be sent to the Blackboard Learn database.

Full Answer

How do I generate course reports in Blackboard?

Set auto-reporting options On the Administrator Panel, under Tools and Utilities, select System Reporting. Select Auto-Reporting Options. To automatically send system data updates to a secure Blackboard Learn server, select Yes in the Reporting field . …

How do I generate reports related to activity in my course?

Reports Blackboard Learn provides several types of reports to help administrators track system usage, analyze how the system is being used, and manage the database. Insight Report Schedule and Run Reports Report Definitions Statistics Reports Learn Reports Auto-Reporting Options

What is the summary of usage section in Blackboard Learn?

The Event Tracking option must be set to Yes on the Setting Auto-Reporting Options page before Blackboard Learn can record course statistics. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. Search for a course. Open the course's menu and select Reports. Open a report's menu and select Run. The Report Information section is read-only.

How do system administrators track system usage?

The Event Tracking option must be set to Yes on the Auto-Reporting Options page before Blackboard Learn can record course statistics. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. Search for a course. Open the course's menu and select Reports. Open a report's menu and select Run. The Report Information section is read-only.


How to report on data for all users?

To report on data for all users, don't select in the Select Users box. To limit the report to specific users, select one or more usernames. For Windows, to select multiple items in a list, press the SHIFT key and select the first and last items.

What format to save report in?

In the Select Format list, select a format for the report results: PDF: Select PDF to save the report in a PDF file on your computer. This is the default format. HTML: Select HTML to view the report in your browser. Excel: Select Excel to save the report in a Microsoft ® Excel ® file on your computer. This format does not include charts.

Can you record statistics on Blackboard?

The Event Tracking option must be set to Yes on the Setting Auto-Reporting Options page before Blackboard Learn can record course statistics. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. Search for a course. Open the course's menu and select Reports. Open a report's menu and select Run .

What is blackboard learn?

Blackboard Learn provides several reports to help you monitor user activity associated with courses. You can also view reports to see which course items are aligned with specific course standards or objectives. Reports show the first 100,000 results.

How to report on data for all users?

To report on data for all users, don't select in the Select Users box. To limit the report to specific users, select one or more usernames. For Windows, to select multiple items in a list, press the SHIFT key and select the first and last items.

What format to save report in?

In the Select Format list, select a format for the report results: PDF: Select PDF to save the report in a PDF file on your computer. This is the default format. HTML: Select HTML to view the report in your browser. Excel: Select Excel to save the report in a Microsoft ® Excel ® file on your computer. This format does not include charts.

Can you report a course on Blackboard?

The Event Tracking option must be set to Yes on the Auto-Reporting Options page before Blackboard Learn can record course statistics. On the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses. Search for a course. Open the course's menu and select Reports. Open a report's menu and select Run . The Report Information section is read-only.

What is a blackboard report?

Blackboard has the ability to generate reports related to activity in your Course. For example, you can find out how often and when students accessed content areas, forums and get statistics on overall usage of the course. They are pre-designed reports that you can simply "run".

What is performance dashboard?

It is an up-to-date report on the activity for all students individually and is where you can see access, last log in, posts, and more.

Turn on Statistics Tracking

Once a content item has been created in a Content Area, Learning Module, Lesson Plan, or folder, you can enable statistics tracking for that item by ( 1) selecting the Action Link next to the content item and ( 2) selecting Statistics Tracking ( On/Off). ( 3) On the Statistics Tracking, select the radio button next to On and then select Submit.

Generate a Statistics Report

When Statistics Tracking is enabled, the View Statistics Report link is active on the contextual menu.

Step 2

On the Course Reports page, select the Action link next to Course Usage Statistics and select Run.
