atc blackboard orintation times

by Maria Stokes 9 min read

What happens when I login to blackboard from myatc portal?

If you added the course on or after the first day of the term, you may experience a delay of 48 hours before gaining access to Blackboard. If, after 48 hours, you are still unable to access Blackboard, send an email to: [email protected].

How do I log into ATC e-learning?

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How do I log in to Blackboard?

Aug 21, 2018 · INSTRUCTIONS. Step 1: Read about challenges to online learning, computer skills needed for online learning, ATC's technical support resources, and Blackboard, ATC's learning management system. Engage with interactive quizzes and learning activities to practice your knowledge! Step 2: Complete the assessment for online learning found at the end ...

What is my ATC email password?

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How to learn online ATC?

Step 1: Read about challenges to online learning, computer skills needed for online learning, ATC's technical support resources, and Blackboard, ATC's learning management system. Engage with interactive quizzes and learning activities to practice your knowledge! Step 2: Complete the assessment for online learning found at the end ...

What is a proctored activity?

A proctored activity is a required learning event such as a midterm, final exam, or presentation for which students must appear in person and present photo identification (such as a driving license or ATC student ID) to verify their identity.

How many hours of online learning do I need to be successful?

Online learning requires ten to fifteen hours per week per online course for learners to be successful. Online learning requires a learner to be good at organizing and managing their time.

Is ATC online self paced?

Online courses are not self-paced at ATC. Online learning requires a lot of reading and writing. The online learner will be spending a lot of time reading, reflecting on, and analyzing course material. In addition, online learners will do a lot of writing including completing assignments for instructors and responding to threaded discussions ...