atc blackboard

by Mr. Van Hills 9 min read

What happens when I login to blackboard from myatc portal?

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What do I do if I can't access blackboard?

Okta is a secure identity management tool that will allow you to access all your Atlanta Tech apps, logins, and devices in one place. Including, Banner, Blackboard, Microsoft 365, eCampus, and more. With Okta, you're up and running on day one, with every app and program you use for classes, instantly available.

What happens after I log in to Blackboard self-service?

Blackboard; Self-Service; After logging in, you will be returned back to the original source. If you have any trouble, please contact ISM. New to MYATC? Visit our MYATC Account Setup & Recovery for login help.

How do I set up my blackboard account?

If you added the course on or after the first day of the term, you may experience a delay of 48 hours before gaining access to Blackboard. If, after 48 hours, you are still unable to access Blackboard, send an email to: [email protected]. In your message, include your name as it appears in the college records, your course number, your section ...
