apa format for discussion post

by Prof. Kaleb Balistreri DVM 4 min read

How to Write a Discussion Post in APA Format?

  • Observe your Netiquette. ...
  • Make Sure that you Tackle Your Homework. ...
  • Adhere to The Prompts. ...
  • Put Enough and Comprehensive Thought into Your Post Before Posting. ...
  • Use questions as part of your post. ...
  • Keep your relevance in the course of the discussion. ...
  • Carefully edit all your posts before posting. ...
  • Provide your classmates with relevant and essential responses. ...

More items...

  1. Using APA in discussion posts is very similar to using APA in a paper. ...
  2. You need to cite your sources in your discussion post both in-text and in a references section. ...
  3. Note: There is not currently a way to create a hanging indent if your reference goes on more than one line.
Jul 6, 2020

Full Answer

How do I cite a discussion post in APA?

Dec 24, 2020 · Formatting a Discussion Board Post in APA Writing Support Home CORE Library Home Introduction You've been asked to prepare a response to a discussion board prompt, and the directions tell you to " refer directly to the articles you have read, with APA-style in-text citations as needed and references at the end." Sure. Okay.

How to write discussion APA?

How to Cite A Class Discussion APA a) In-Text Citations The 7th edition of the APA referencing style is in the (author/date) system, meaning all in-text citations should consist of the author’s surname and year of publication. The general format of the APA 7TH Edition includes: The surname of the author (s) Year of publication

How to write a discussion paper in APA style?

APA format for discussion questions is similar to using APA in a paper. Also, using APA in discussion post helps to think of your discussion posts as a short APA paper with no cover page. How to Cite a Colleague in a Discussion Post Walden? For example: Danielle, A. (1999, March 27). Re: Urbanization [ online discussion group].

How do you format questions and answers in APA format?

When citing a discussion post in your reference list, include the author of the post, the date, the name of the discussion thread, and the course URL. For example: Smattering, L. (2014, February 28). Re: Academic Integrity [Discussion post].


How do you format a discussion post?

Write great discussion board posts by following these steps:Understand. Carefully read the discussion instructions. ... Read. Complete any required or supplemental reading for the week. ... Write. Write a complete paragraph for each part of your discussion board post instructions. ... Review.

How do you answer a discussion in APA?

IntroductionBegin the question on a new line and type number 1 followed by a period.Type the discussion question in an approved font and size. ... Use double spacing and one inch margins.Separate the answer from the question by beginning the answer on a new line.Always answer in complete sentences.More items...•Dec 24, 2020

How do you cite a book in a discussion post?

To cite the book in the text of the discussion, put the author's last name and the year the book was published in parentheses: (Case-Smith, 2017). To quote directly from the book, include the page number of the quote: (Case-Smith, 2017, p. 42).Feb 4, 2021

How do you cite a discussion post in MLA?

A Listserv, Discussion Group, or Blog Posting Provide the author of the work, the title of the posting in quotation marks, the web site name in italics, the publisher, and the posting date. Follow with the date of access. Include screen names as author names when author name is not known.

What is APA referencing?

APA referencing style is a formatting technique for academic documentation and assignments that are commonly used in social and behavioral sciences. The APA referencing style provides guidelines to the writing style of the American Psychological Association (APA) which has been utilized by several academic publications.

What is a good discussion question to a post?

A good discussion question to a post highlights a discussion area that subjects students to critical thinking. Consequently, the respondent should demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter by correlating the concepts with real-life situations.

How to respond to a discussion board post?

The best way to respond to a discussion board post is by understanding the requirements of the prompt provided by the instructor. Once you understand the prompt, you should conduct intensive research on the topic of discussion and provide relevant findings, analysis, and conclusions.

Where to put year of publication in a sentence?

In case the author’s surname has been mentioned in the sentence, the year of publication is indicated in round brackets next to the surname of the author i.e., Curtis (2018) …

What is the 7th edition of APA?

The APA 7th Edition dictates the use of the author’s surname and the year of publication. mycoursebay.com provides detailed explanations on how to do a discussion post in APA 7th Edition. The explanations can work well with paragraphs of assignments of any kind.

Do you need page numbers in APA 7th edition?

Even though the 7th Edition of APA referencing style does not necessitate the use of page numbers, you can decide to include the page numbers in complex and lengthy papers.

How to cite a book in a discussion board?

When citing a book in a discussion board, ensure that you put the name of the author and the year of publication of the book in parentheses, for instance, (Shannen, 1998).

What is the purpose of APA guidelines?

The main objective of the APA guidelines is to help readers recognize the information and ideas of a writer instead of having to adjust to different formatting styles. The APA writing guidelines are different from other writing guidelines in different environments.

How to keep a conversation going?

Use questions as part of your post. Posing questions is among the best ways to keep a conversation going. Also, questions help in getting insight into what you do not understand. Additionally, questions help you find answers in case of doubt or in case you needed to have a better understanding of the topic at hand.

How to give feedback to classmates?

The feedback you give your classmates if important, always detail why you agree or disagree with someone. Also, be open to receive your classmate’s responses. This is a discussion forum and not a monologue program. Ensure that you post your feedback, make it an engaging period and keep posting follow-up questions. Most importantly, make sure that what you post adds value to the discussion .

Is it possible to have a discussion board online?

First, for an online discussion board, it is possible that you have not met any of your classmates. Therefore, it is vital to observe proper netiquette. Although tones used in various forums vary from conversational to casual with the exact personality set by the instructor- always remember that the discussion post is an educational forum and requires appropriate manners.
