alas blackboard

by Brielle Sawayn 10 min read

Add an ATLAS Link to a Blackboard Course

Note: In order for the video cases to show up in Blackboard, login to ATLAS, create a group and add cases only to the group. Here is the help article on how to create a group: .

Trouble Shooting

Make sure you are allowing third party cookies. We use a cookie to connect your Blackboard session to your ATLAS session. If you don't allow third party cookies, we won't be able to connect your sessions and log you in.

How does Blackboard work with Ares?

Ares is designed to work smoothly with the Blackboard Course Management System, allowing library staff, course instructors and students quick and easy access to course reserves information. By linking Blackboard with Ares, library staff, instructors and their designated proxies can connect with Ares and add courses and their related course reserves items directly from within Blackboard. Students, in turn, can access their courses and the course reserves requirements from within Blackboard. The Blackboard Course Reserves tool is linked to the Ares web interface, so instructors and students using Blackboard for course management see the same web pages they see when accessing Ares course reserves outside of Blackboard.

What does Blackboard announce when you click submit to set the configuration settings under System Admin?

When you click Submit to set the configuration settings under System Admin, Blackboard will announce on the next screen that it has connected to the Ares Web Service successfully and will tell you what Agent was used to connecting.

The Web Service and the User Agent

All communications with the Ares Web Service require a valid User Agent to be defined in the Ares Administrative Suite. The UserAgent being used by the Blackboard Plugin can be seen by saving settings in the Blackboard Building Block Plugin settings. This must be done to set the Ares WebService URL.

Creating User Records

Any time a user tries to access a course, they will be added to the Ares Users table if a record could not be found for them.

Creating the Course in Ares

The Building Block then looks for a matching course where the Ares ExternalCourseId = the Blackboard Course BatchUid. If the course cannot be found and the Blackboard user is an instructor, course builder or teaching assistant, the course will be created in Ares.
