adding courses to blackboard

by Ebba Cassin 6 min read

Create a course
  1. On the Administrator Panel, in the Courses section, select Courses.
  2. Point to Create Course and select New. You can merge existing sections, allowing instructors to manage multiple sections of the same course through a single master course. ...
  3. Provide the course information. ...
  4. Select Submit.

Watch a video about the course Home Page

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video,

Add a course module page

You can add course module pages to organize modules as you want. Add course module pages on the course menu or in a content area.

Manage modules

Select the Manage Settings icon to change how the content appears. For example, you can select how many days of announcements appear in a module. Select the X to remove a module. Content reported in the module isn't removed. Not all modules have settings you can change.

Add a course module page banner

You can add a banner image that only appears when students open the module page. You can also add and format text in the editor.

Adding Students to Courses

Blackboard student enrollments are received from Banner every three hours. Any student not registered for a course in Banner, but wants access in Blackboard, must first request permission from the Registrar’s Office.

Adding Instructors to Courses

Instructor of record in Banner are uploaded to Blackboard every three hours. Only the instructor of record can grant access to other users in their Blackboard course sites (such as teaching assistants or fellow instructors). To add other users access to courses, the instructor of record can email [email protected] to have the users added.

Course Access Levels

Instructor - access to all of the control panel, can change privileges, access to grade center and course photo roster, receives emails from students who email “instructors” via myBb.

FERPA Notice

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of a students’ educational records. Personally identifiable information in a student's educational record is considered private and confidential.
