add to blackboard balance tcnj

by Laurence Jacobs 8 min read

How do I add money to my Tcnj print?

If you do not wish to log in and want to add funds, click “Add Funds” then enter the 16 digit number found at the bottom of the TCNJ student ID card. Students: log in using your TCNJ username and password for more options. Parents: have your student click on “Grant Additional Access” and create an account for you.

Is printing free at Tcnj?

The cost of printing and copying remains the same as last year. For GetIt account information see the GetIt web page.

How much does it cost to print at Tcnj?

The system will automatically debit your CardGetIt account $0.05 for each black and white page printed, $0.10 for black and white double sided/duplex. The cost of printing in color in the Art Lab (PPhaser) is $2.00 per page. Print Sense shows each student how much they've printed and copied.

How to printing at TCNJ Library?

Go to any printer in the library to get your printout. To release your print job, swipe your TCNJ ID Card or enter your TCNJ Username and Password at any of the 15 Print Release Stations (NetZTouch pads) adjacent to printers in the Library.

Do you have to pay for laundry at TCNJ?

TCNJ students have the convenience of coinless laundry! Washers and dryers are easily accessed in all residence halls. To report any broken washers or dryers, please complete a laundry work order.

Is TCNJ a dry campus?

TCNJ is a dry campus, so there are no dorm parties.