acsc blackboard

by Anthony Crist 9 min read


Air Command and Staff College, or ACSC, is recognized by the JCS as an accredited JPME Phase I program. The college was established in 1962 and traces its roots to the Air Corps Tactical School. It is the Air Force's intermediate development education institution.Apr 2, 2015

How long do you have to complete ACSC?

ACSC DL 6.0 is a rigorous program and requires a significant investment of time and attention to complete. Although it is possible to complete all requirements in 7 months, this requires significant focus and flexibility on the part of the student.Oct 18, 2017

How do I enroll in ACSC?

Eligibility: ACSC is open to Active Duty Major selects and above; Guard and Reserve for all branches of service; and civilian personnel (GS-12 with 2 years in service and bachelor's degree). Enroll On-line: Member enrolls online. AUSIS will email the username to the student.

How long does it take to complete Air Command and Staff College?

Each course requires from 10 to 15 hours of work per week. A student working steadily through the program can earn his or her master's degree in less than 24 months. Students have the ability to schedule courses around deployments.Apr 1, 2007

Is it hard to get promoted in the Air Force officer?

Above-the-Zone promotions are rare, and most officers passed up for promotion more than once are required to separate from active duty or retire. Major (O-4): Captains must complete Squadron Officer School before promotion to the rank of Major. Promotion to Major is through a Major promotion board.Nov 12, 2017

Is ACSC required for Lt Col?

Successful completion of ACSC or an equivalent command and staff college of another service (e.g., United States Army Command & General Staff College; College of Naval Command and Staff curriculum of the U.S. Naval War College) is considered a de facto requirement for all majors in the U.S. Air Force (to include Air ...

How many reserve points do I need for Air War College?

USAFR member is required to accrue a minimum of 50 retirement points (including membership points) for a satisfactory year of service. To meet or not to meet…. references to a 50-point minimum requirement within a calendar year for awarding a good retirement year.

Who can attend Air University?

The program is offered to O-5 selects and above. Persons may be active duty, Air Force Reserve (AFRES), or Air National Guard (ANG); sister-service active duty, Guard, or Reserve; or Civil Air Patrol (CAP).

Do you get a masters degree from ACSC?

Successful completion of the ACSC Resident Program are awarded Joint Professional Military Education I credit and the Masters of Military Operational Art and Science Degree to qualified students who meet all curriculum and criteria requirements.Jan 17, 2021

Is Air Command and Staff College accredited?

Program Learning Outcomes and Student Success The AWC PME program is accredited for joint professional military education (JPME) phase II as defined for senior level colleges in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 1800.01E, Officer Professional Military Education Policy.

Is ACSC accredited?

ACSC is accredited as a Quality (ISO 9001: 2015) and Environmental (ISO 14001:2015) Management System Certification Body through the International Accreditation Service (MSCB-205), and will soon be accredited for Occupational Health & Safety (ISO 45001:2018) management system certification.