acrobatiq and blackboard

by Miss Celine Jenkins MD 7 min read

Based on principles of learning science

Using best practices from CMU’s Open Learning Initiative, leaders in learning science research, Acrobatiq Smart Author includes step-by-step guidance to creating exemplary online learning experiences that help students learn more efficiently and effectively.

Designed for collaboration

Includes enterprise-grade workflow tools to support the rapid development of online learning courses and programs. Smart Author includes multiple role types and levels of permissions for complete control over the development process, from initial concept to course release and continuous updates.

Supports multiple content types

Quickly develop lessons with interactive content, activities, and assessments so students learn by doing. Smart Author tools make it easy to include hundreds of discrete opportunities for students to practice skills and learn new concepts.

Includes a variety of assessment types

Easily create goal-directed practice and targeted feedback, critical to learning. Smart Author includes over 25 different activity types to create formative practice embedded with instructional scaffolding such as multiple levels of hints and targeted, timely feedback.

Simplifies course customization

Smart Author gives authoring teams complete control over course content and assessments to organize content in the order you want students to learn. In just a few clicks you can add, remove or reorder learning modules. Create and experiment with alternate versions of the same course “blueprint” for different types of learners.

Personalizes the learning experience

Courses developed in Smart Author dynamically personalize learning for each student, based on his or her own learning needs. With Smart Author, you can easily create adaptive practice sessions that function much like a human tutor for students.

Blueprint your course outcomes

Acrobatiq makes it easy to develop a course outline and organize what students should know and be able to do by the end of a course. Outcomes can be expressed as competencies, learning goals, learning objectives or skills and can be problem, project or scenario-based.
