aber uni blackboard

by Prof. Andrew Quitzon V 7 min read

What is blackboard and how do I use it?

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How do I view and transfer marks between Blackboard modules?

Blackboard. Blackboard is Aberystwyth University’s online learning environment. Blackboard has a range of tools for communication, collaboration, assessment, feedback, reflection and content management, and provides an online space for activities to support learning and teaching.

Should the blackboard ethos be applied in terms of Blackboard?

Apr 07, 2022 · Welcome to new staff joining Aberystwyth University 15th September 2021 17th September 2021 James Woolley [jbw] Blackboard , E-submission , Events and Networks , Online Teaching , Panopto , Teaching Continuity , Training and Support , Virtual Learning Environment(VLE) Leave a comment

Why can’t I open Microsoft Office files in Blackboard?

Aug 12, 2021 · Academic Enhancement Committee has approved the updated Blackboard Required Minimum Presence for the forthcoming academic year. The RMP was changed last year in response to increased online teaching. As the University prepares for September, the RMP has been updated to reflect any changes.


Welcome to new staff joining Aberystwyth University

We’re the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit. Based in Information Services. We work with staff across the university to support and develop learning and teaching. We run a wide range of activities to do this.

What is a well-designed Blackboard module? Project

A well-designed Blackboard module may mean different things for different people. We asked our group of Student Learning Ambassadors to brainstorm what does it mean to them that a module is well-design. The findings of this discussion divided into categories can be found below.

Module Information

Teaching schedule – showing what is expected throughout the semester (which is carried out throughout the design of the module in folders). It is not necessary to have to release all content at the start of the module rather a roadmap showing students what they need to plan for. Download the teaching schedule example:

Learning Materials

Folders – content should be divided into weeks (or topics). It should correspond with the teaching schedule. Consistency within folders is just as important, try to include the same type of learning materials in each folder (you can use small icons to indicate the type of activity) and keep them in a consistent order:

Workaround for Blackboard 404 error when accessing files using the Microsoft Edge browser

The Microsoft Edge browser attempts to open Microsoft Office files directly in the browser. When accessing files in Blackboard this is causing an error with the message; “404 – File or directory not found.”

The importance of comprehensive module handbooks (Student Learning Ambassadors)

One of the things we discussed during the Student Learning Ambassadors project was how helpful module handbooks can be for students. Throughout my three years in the History department, module handbooks have been my go-to source of key information about each module.

Component Marks Transfer

As December starts to approach, we thought it would be useful to outline the support available for the Component Marks Transfer process. This process transfers marks from the Blackboard Grade Centre columns into AStRA’s Assessment marks per Module (STF080) page.
