a pen and paper icon next to an entry in my grades means what in blackboard

by Gerson Legros 6 min read

What do the icons in the original Blackboard Grade Center mean?

Mar 04, 2020 · If you see a yellow exclamation mark next to an exam or quiz-style assessment, this means your assessment needs grading. This could be for two reasons. The first is if your assessment was timed and you went over the allotted time limit. In this case your instructor will receive all your answers and information on how long it took you to ...

What do the icons on the grades page mean?

Jul 20, 2020 · There are different icons on the Grades page. Depending on the type of assignment submission, grading rules, and comments, you will see different ... Text Icon [4]: Text entry submitted, not graded; Link Icon [5]: ... the grades page displays a blue dot next to the assignment [1]. The indicator disappears when you navigate away or refresh the page.

How can I tell if an assignment has hidden grades?

Mar 03, 2020 · Explanation of Icons: User Unavailable - User no longer has access to the course (most likely because they have officially dropped the course). Column Not Visible to Users - Column is not visible to students. Completed - Item has been completed by student. Needs Grading - Student has submitted an assignment or quiz which needs grading.

How does each grading type show up in the gradebook?

Dec 01, 2020 · The Black Warning Icon [1] notifies you that the final score does not include one of the assignment groups because the group has zero points possible (the warning will tell you which assignment group is affected). This icon only displays in the total column related to assignment group errors. You can correct the assignment group warnings by making sure a …

Can students flag more than one discussion post at a time?

Students can flag more than one discussion post at a time. ... Students can edit each other's wiki pages.

What is the term used to describe the different conversations that happen in a discussion board forum?

What is the term used to describe the different conversations that happen in a Descussion Board forum? threads. A red exclamation mark icon next to an entry in My Grades means: There is a system error involving the grade.

What types of ATI products can be found within the Learn tab?

Learn: The Learn tab provides you with flashcards, tutorials, and eBooks to help you learn within different areas.Aug 16, 2018

Which of the following are values of San Jacinto College quizlet?

As its central purpose, this community promotes intellectual investigation through vigorous discussion. Essential values that support this purpose include civility, dignity, diversity, education, equality, freedom, honesty, and safety. 1.2.

What is the thread of a conversation?

What are threaded conversations? In the chronological world of online team chat, a threaded conversation, or "thread", is a comment and its attached replies. Endless replies can be attached, even as newer comments flow in and push the thread further back into chat history.

What is a canvas discussion?

Canvas Discussions are a native tool in all Canvas courses. Instructors may create both focused and threaded Discussions. Discussions are often used to promote student interaction and exchange of ideas, in online and hybrid courses. Canvas Discussions can be ungraded, graded, assigned to groups, and even peer reviewed.

Where is the Learn tab on ATI?

Your eBooks are located on the MY ATI > LEARN tab. The Learn window provides access to your Tutorials, Quiz Banks, eBooks, Virtual or Capstone classroom, and Flashcards for all topics. For each module, you have a choice to study the textbook information or to view situational videos.

How do you use ATI?

0:553:14Introducing The New ATI - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf your nursing program uses ATI pulse your personalized success predictor will be displayed in theMoreIf your nursing program uses ATI pulse your personalized success predictor will be displayed in the lower right of the screen and tracks your progress from your first class through your academic.

Which of the following tabs contains all products including tutorials focus review and proctored and practice assessments?

Go to the "My Results" tab to print it. It will include all proctored and practice assessments, as well as tutorial results.

What are the values of San Jacinto College?

Our ValuesIntegrity: We Act Honorably and Ethically.Inclusivity: We Grow through Understanding.Collaboration: We Are Stronger Together.Innovation: We Embrace New Possibilities.Accountability: We Are Responsible Individually and Collectively.Sense of Community: We Care for Those We Serve.More items...

What is San Jacinto College known for?

San Jac offers over 80 programs in eight areas of study, from Arts and Business to Health Sciences and STEM, as well as a variety of courses to help you reach your goals.

How many students are enrolled at San Jacinto College?

28,549 (2010)San Jacinto College: Central Campus / Total enrollment

What is gradebook?

The Gradebook includes several icons and colors that may display in the assignment columns, assignment groups, and Total column. Icons and colors are simply gradebook indicators to assist you with course grading. All published assignments count toward a student's total grade unless they are excused assignments.

What does the black warning icon mean in a score?

The Black Warning Icon [1] notifies you that the final score does not include one of the assignment groups because the group has zero points possible (the warning will tell you which assignment group is affected). This icon only displays in the total column related to assignment group errors. You can correct the assignment group warnings by making ...

What is the grade detail tray?

The Grade Detail Tray Warning Icon displays a warning icon for assignments that are not calculated as part of the final grade. This icon displays if the Do not count this assignment towards the final grade option is selected, or if the assignment is in a weighted assignment group with no weighted percentage.

What does "disabled columns" mean in grades?

Disabled columns do not include dashes in the Gradebook cells, which indicates that grades cannot be entered, and display a gray background. Disabled columns are labeled for unpublished assignments [1] and anonymous assignments [2].

What happens when you allow students to work past the time limit?

When you allow students to work past the time limit for an assignment, you're able to view which assignments exceeded the time limit. If you added questions, you can also view how many questions were answered after the time limit.

When you start or review grading, can you point to a submission timestamp?

When you start or review grading, you can point to a submission timestamp to view more information. Timestamps appear on students' submission pages and on their attempts panels when you've allowed multiple attempts for an assessment.

Can you embed audio in feedback?

You can embed an audio or video recording of your feedback in the editor as you grade attempts. The recording option appears in the feedback editor for most graded items in your course. Students watch or listen to your feedback alongside any text you include. This feature isn't supported on all browsers.

Can you have more than one attempt on an assignment?

When you create an assignment, you can choose to let students submit more than one attempt. Multiple attempts change how the assignment's final grade is automatically calculated. Choose how you want to calculate the final grade:

IMAP and Offline Exchange Icons

When you download headers only (usually IMAP and Exchange offline mode), you'll see the following icons in your Inbox, indicating the status of the message:

Messenger Icons

In Outlook's preview pane, in an opened message, or when composing messages you may see little balls near the sender or recipients name. These indicate if the sender is online with Skype or Skype for Business. Green is online, an empty white circle indicates offline or presence unknown.